The Encirclement Of The Three Major Sects. Helped In A Desperate Situation.

After the destruction of the War Demon Hall, the turmoil across the entire Senluo Continent had yet to subside.

That was because a small number of cultivators from the War Demon Hall had escaped.

Meanwhile, the powerhouses of the three major sects were also pursuing and intercepting them from behind.

Every cultivator in the entire Senluo Continent knew about it.

If everything went well, the War Demon Hall would definitely be destroyed.

The small group of cultivators were unable to escape the encirclement of the three major sects.

The truth was as everyone expected.

The small group of cultivators from the War Demon Hall were surrounded from all directions and forced to the Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea was the most dangerous place in the entire Senluo Continent.

It was impossible to fly above the Dead Sea. If one were to fall into the Dead Sea, no matter how powerful one's cultivation was, they would completely sink and never be able to rise again.

As such, the Dead Sea could be considered a perilous land of death on the Senluo Continent.

The cultivators of the three major sects were also very astute. They deliberately blocked all escape routes so that the cultivators of the War Demon Hall could only run towards the Dead Sea.

In the end, they were stuck at a dead end.

The Dead Sea looked like a pitch-black ocean. The water inside was as thick as ink.

Not far away, a group of injured cultivators escaped to this place. They looked at the pitch-black ocean before them with despair in their eyes.

"It's over. It's truly over…"

"Those bastards from the three major sects are truly cunning. They forced us to the Dead Sea!"

"Is the War Demon Hall truly going to be destroyed just like that?"

The cultivators of the War Demon Hall wore sorrowful expressions.

As the most powerful force in the Senluo Continent, they were feared everywhere they went.

Now, however, they were forced to a dead end like a bunch of stray dogs.

Among the group of cultivators was a slender, blind woman wearing a black dress. Her eyes were covered by a black ribbon. It was Yan Qingying, Yan Fei's sister.

Logically speaking, Yan Qingying should be feeling very sad about her brother's death.

But she didn't.

There was no sign of weakness or sadness on her fair cheeks.

There was only extreme coldness and hatred.

Waves of chilling murderous intent emanated from Yan Qingying's body, surprising several elders nearby.

Yan Qingying knew that crying and sorrow were useless.

She only had one thought in her mind right now: to destroy the three great sects and kill the Fallen Divine Child!

"Qingying, my condolences." The elders shook their heads in resignation.

"As long as there is even the slightest chance that I survive, I will kill the Fallen Divine Child!" Yan Qingying exuded an intense murderous intent.

The dark murderous intent even gave the few Void Spirit Stage elders goosebumps.

Yan Qingying's dark aura was even stronger than that of Yan Fei.

However, when it came to revenge, the elders shook their heads bitterly.

Now that they were on the brink of death, they had no chance of getting their revenge.

At that moment, the sound of rushing wind was heard in the distance.

Densely packed figures rushed over like a swarm of locusts.

It was the alliance army led by the three major sects.

Aside from the alliance of the three sects, there were also some onlookers from other forces nearby.

Some geniuses from the Mystic Realm were also there to watch.

A genius from the Mystic Realm shook his head and said, "Sigh, it seems like the Fallen Divine Child is determined to get his hands on the Demonic Swallowing Method."

Another genius from the Mystic Realm said helplessly, "Who wouldn't want to get their hands on something like that? It's a pity that Fallen Divine Child ordered us to do so. If we dared to pick the peaches halfway, we'd probably lose our lives."

"That's right. Fallen Divine Child is no saint. He would kill anyone who dared to provoke him. With the backing of the Fallen Divine Palace, Fallen Divine Child has nothing to fear."

These geniuses from the Mystic Realm originally wanted to find the inheritor of the Demonic Swallowing Method so that they could have a share.

However, Fallen Divine Child ordered that anyone who dared to interfere and obstruct him would have to bear the consequences.

The Fallen Divine Child was renowned throughout the Mystic Realm. None of the geniuses dared to provoke him.

"This Fallen Divine Child is too arrogant and domineering. I wish someone could put him in his place."

"You're overthinking things. How many people in the lower realm are qualified to punish Fallen Divine Child?"

While the geniuses of the Mystic Realm were watching and enjoying the show…

The atmosphere around the Dead Sea became solemn and sorrowful.

The cultivators of the War Demon Hall clenched their fists as they watched the overwhelming crowd.

A tall figure exuding a sacred aura stepped forward.

The armor on his body was slightly broken and stained with blood. His face looked dignified and upright.

He was the current hall master of the War Demon Hall, a powerful cultivator at the middle stage of the Saint Stage.

He swept his gaze across the members of the three major sects and said coldly, "Do you three major sects really have to be so cruel?"

An old man with a blue face walked out of the Netherworld Valley.

His name was Old Man Huang Quan, and he was the valley master of the valley.

"The three great sects have no choice but to obey the orders of the divine child."

"Take orders from the Fallen Divine Child? Don't you have the intention of destroying the War Demon Hall?" the War Demon Hall Master sneered.

The eyes of Old Man Huang Quan and the others flickered upon hearing that.

It was impossible to say that he didn't want that at all.

The War Demon Hall had dominated the Senluo Continent for a long time.

Naturally, the three major sects such as the Netherworld Valley were also displeased and wanted to overthrow the supreme authority of the War Demon Hall.

However, due to the strength of the War Demon Hall, they never made up their minds.

Now, Fallen Divine Child was forcing them to deal with the War Demon Hall. To a certain extent, he was making up their minds for them.

Once the War Demon Hall was eradicated, the three great sects would naturally become the new overlords of the Senluo Continent.

If Fallen Divine Child was satisfied, he might even reward them.

A casual reward from the geniuses of the Mystic Realm was enough to bring the three great sects to greater heights.

That was what the three great sects were thinking right now.

"Enough with the chit-chat. Just hand over Yan Fei's sister." The Old Man of the Underworld didn't want to say anything else.

Since the outcome was already decided, what was the point of talking so much?

"Hmph, the people of the War Demon Hall would rather die than submit. Fight to the bitter end!" The War Demon Hall Master shouted coldly and attacked.

Instead of waiting to die, it was better to fight back.

Killing one was not a loss. Killing two would be even better.

Following that, the battle erupted once again.

However, this was destined to be a battle without suspense.

One cultivator after another from the War Demon Hall eventually self-destructed while outnumbered.

The onlookers from the other forces sighed at the sight.

The first-ranked War Demon Hall of the Senluo Continent ended up like this.

Meanwhile, the geniuses of the Mystic Realm remained calm.

To them, the wars of the lower realm were like two groups of ants fighting.

A cultivator from the three major sects discovered Yan Qingying. "So, you're Yan Fei's sister, right? Be good and surrender."

Yan Qingying's slender body exuded a dark and cold aura.

At that moment.

The power of the Saint Stage erupted in the sky.

A terrifying saber light that was thousands of feet long fell from above.

The saber cut through the sky!