
"Now that the war in the Hidden Dragon Continent has been quelled, we will rest for three days. After reorganizing the troops, we will head straight to the continent where the Ancient God Clan are staying to provide support."

"This time, not only will I wipe out the Ten Sinful Clans, but I will also wipe out the Ancient Demon Clan, the Ancient Fey Clan, and the mastermind behind them!"

Jun Xiaoyao's words were filled with a murderous intent that was as sharp as a sword, ready to erupt at any moment.

"Understood, Divine Child!" Emperor Dayin and the others cupped their hands in respect.

"Alright, let's go take care of the remaining survivors," Jun Xiaoyao said casually.

Emperor Dayin and the others cupped their hands and left.

Fang Han glanced at Jun Xiaoyao, who was sitting on the throne.

That throne used to belong to his father, the Emperor of Dayin Kingdom.

Now that Jun Xiaoyao was seated on the throne, not only was Emperor Dayin not angry, but he also felt that it was only natural.

A strong sense of defeat filled Fang Han's heart.

Even his father treated Jun Xiaoyao with respect. What did his son amount to?

"Ying'er, let's leave as well," Fang Han said to Jun Ying'er, who was standing aside.

Jun Ying'er shook her head. Her cheeks were still slightly red as she said, "Fang Han, you should leave first. I still have something to tell Sir Divine Child."

"This…" Fang Han was stunned. He clenched his fist.

He then turned around and left with a sullen expression.

Jun Ying'er ignored Fang Han's expression. At that moment, all her attention was on Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao was sitting on the throne. His white robe was spotless, and his divine glow was dazzling. His handsome face was indescribable.

Jun Ying'er immediately knelt before Jun Xiaoyao.

"What are you doing?" Jun Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows.

"Thank you, Divine Child, for saving the Dayin Dynasty and Ying'er."

"Secondly, I would like to thank the divine child for taking me back to the Mystic Realm."

Jun Ying'er's eyes sparkled as if she was crying.

God knew how long she had been waiting for this day.

Although she was a respected princess in the Dayin Dynasty…

However, Jun Ying'er was the only one who knew how lonely it was to be separated from one's family.

Now, Jun Xiaoyao had appeared, intending to bring her back to the Mystic Realm.

To Jun Ying'er, Jun Xiaoyao was the light at the end of the tunnel.

"It's no big deal. Why do you have to do this? Besides, your brother and I can be considered friends." Jun Xiaoyao raised his hand slightly and activated his powers.

Jun Ying'er was immediately lifted up.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't say that Jun Wanjie had submitted to him.

"Is that so? It's my brother's fortune to be able to get to know the divine child. My brother, on the other hand…" Jun Ying'er wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes with her hand, feeling very happy.

"He's not bad. He's already the Sequence Five of the Jun family," Jun Xiaoyao said.

"Really? That's great!" Jun Ying'er was overjoyed.

Jun Ying'er knew very well what Sequence Five meant.

She remembered her brother telling her when she was young that he would work hard to become stronger, climb to the top, and lead her on a good life. Now, he had fulfilled his promise.

"I still have some things to settle in the lower realm, so I may have to wait until everything is settled before I can bring you back to the Mystic Realm," Jun Xiaoyao said.

"I'm already very grateful that the divine child will bring Ying'er back to the Mystic Realm. I don't mind waiting for a while longer," Jun Ying'er replied hurriedly.

She had been waiting for so many years.

She didn't care about time.

"By the way, I have something to ask you," Jun Xiaoyao said as if he remembered something.

"Please speak, Divine Child," Jun Ying'er said.

"What happened to that prince just now?" Jun Xiaoyao asked.

"Is the divine child talking about Fang Han? He is the sixteenth prince of the Dayin Dynasty. He was always mocked before. Seeing how pitiful he is, Ying'er helped him."

Jun Ying'er told Jun Xiaoyao everything about Fang Han.

That included the fact that he was initially a foolish prince, but he suddenly rose to prominence and became a genius.

"I see."

By the time he finished listening, Jun Xiaoyao was more or less certain.

Fang Han was most likely the heaven-defying son of the Hidden Dragon Continent.

Although Jun Xiaoyao didn't know what Fang Han's opportunity was, the aura of the world's source couldn't escape his detection.

"Although Fang Han didn't show it on his face, he couldn't hide his displeasure towards me.

'Is this because I stole his thunder?' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

How could Jun Xiaoyao not know what Fang Han was thinking?

He could even toy with the geniuses of the Mystic Realm, much less a mere heaven-defying child from the lower realm.

Jun Xiaoyao could tell that Fang Han was interested in Jun Ying'er.

Jun Ying'er's attitude towards him undoubtedly made Fang Han feel even more jealous.

"Fang Han, you'd better know your place," Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

If Fang Han dared to do anything funny, Jun Xiaoyao would not let him off even if he was the prince of the Dayin Dynasty.

Jun Xiaoyao even hoped that Fang Han would try something funny.

That way, he could openly seize Fang Han's opportunity.

As for now, the Dayin Dynasty had made great contributions by suppressing the sinkins. If Jun Xiaoyao were to make a move on Fang Han now, that would be unacceptable.

The chaos throughout the Hidden Dragon Continent was finally resolved.

All Jun Xiaoyao needed to do next was head to the continent where the Ancient God Clan resided. That way, he would be able to get rid of the ten major clans.

Just when the entire Hidden Dragon Continent entered its final stage of cleaning up…

The other continents weren't peaceful either.

Jun Xiaoyao had already been to four continents since he went to the lower realm.

They were the Tianxuan Continent, the Stars Continent, the Senluo Continent, and the Hidden Dragon Continent.

Aside from these four continents, there were six other continents that Jun Xiaoyao had yet to set foot on.

Likewise, a storm was raging across the six continents.

The Guiyuan Continent was one of the ten in the lower realm.

At that moment, a great battle between geniuses was taking place in a hidden valley in the Guiyuan Continent.

With a loud bang, a young man in a purple robe was sent flying while vomiting blood.

His eyes were filled with anger and horror as he looked at the figure opposite him.

It was a young man wearing a black and golden robe. He had jet-black hair, pale skin, and a handsome face.

He looked very thin and tall, looking very scholarly, as if he would collapse at the slightest breeze.

However, after understanding the young man's strength, the purple-robed young man's eyes were filled with unwillingness and despair.

"I've risen to prominence all the way until now, and I've been blessed by the heavens. How could I possibly lose? There shouldn't be anyone from the younger generation on this continent who can defeat me!"

The purple-robed young man roared in indignation.

He was originally an abandoned disciple of a small sect. However, he accidentally obtained a mass of the realm's source.

He rose to prominence and swept the world with his incredible opportunities.

In the end, he destroyed the sect that drove him away.

However, just when the purple-robed young man was feeling smug and even fantasizing about ruling over the entire continent in the future…

This handsome young man with unbelievably pale skin suddenly appeared before him.

Even the purple-robed young man was shocked by his strength.

Despite possessing the world's source, he still couldn't defeat the young man.

That didn't make any sense at all!

"It seems that you are the Child of Destiny of the Guiyuan Continent. I shall have your source of the world."

The young man extended his hand, and a thick power of reincarnation spread out.

The vague phantom of a giant wheel appeared behind him.

The six living beings engraved on the wheel seemed to be able to pull all living beings into the cycle of reincarnation!