"You can get angry, but you cannot lose your control. I get angry at hypocrisy and lies."



"Do you accept that they say you are a drug dealer or a criminal or don't you really care?"



"My conscience is clear, but I would respond as a Mexican comedian once said, 'It's completely inconclusive."



"People say that you always get what you Want."



"I have not said that I have always gotten what I wanted. If I had always gotten what I wanted, everything would be rosy and I would calmly be drinking some coffee in the Rionegro Plaza or the park at Envigado. I fight tirelessly, but I have suffered too much."



"What is the key to your immense power?"



"I don't have any special powers. The only thing that gives me strength to keep on fighting is the energy of the people who love and support me."



"Corruption. To what extent has it taken hold in the government?"



"Corruption exists in all the countries of the world. The important thing would be to know the causes of corruption in order to avoid it and stop it."



"Of what do you repent?"



"All human beings make mistakes, but I don't repent of anything because I take everything as an experience and channel it into something positive."



"If you were born again, what would you do? What would you repeat and what would you dedicate yourself to?"



"I would not do those things that I thought would turn out right, but which came out wrong. I would repeat everything that has been good and nice."



"What did your wife and children say when you were in prison and what did they think of your activities?"



"They have loved and supported me always. And they accept my cause because they know it and understand it."



"Do you consider yourself an ordinary man or someone of exceptional intelligence?"



"I am a simple citizen, born in the village of El Tablazo of the municipality of Rionegro."



"Have you personally ever taken drugs?"



"I am an absolutely healthy man. I don't smoke and I don't consume liquor. Although, with respect to marijuana, I'd have the same reply that the president of Spain gave when he was asked about it."



"Do you consider it a mistake on your part to have entered politics?"



"No, I do not accept it as a mistake. I am sure that if I had participated in other elections, I would have defeated everyone in Antioquia by an overwhelming majority."



"Why so much money? What do you do with it? Is your fortune as large as the international magazines say?"



"My money obeys a social function. That is clear and everyone knows about it."



"If you had to make a profile of yourself, what would you say about you, Pablo Escobar?"



"It's very difficult to portray oneself. I prefer that others analyse me and that others judge me."



"Why did you enter drug trafficking?"



"In Colombia, people enter this type of activity as a form of protest. Others enter it because of ambition."



"Do you feel bigger than Al Capone?"



"I'm not that tall, but I think Al Capone was a few centimetres shorter than I am."



"Do you consider yourself to be the most powerful man in Colombia? The richest? One of the most powerful?"



"Neither one nor the other."



"Did you feel complimented when the magazine Semana presented you as Robin Hood?"



"It was interesting and it gave me peace of mind."



"By temperament, are you violent and proud?"



"Those who know me know that I have a good sense of humour and I always have a smile on my face, even in very difficult moments. And I'll say something else: I always sing in the shower."



During Christmas 1992, Pablo wrote to two senators, offering to surrender if he could be housed at a police academy in Medellín, under the supervision of the military. He wanted the Search Bloc to be disbanded and claimed that Martinez was torturing people to get information. He said he was going to respond to the war in kind with kidnappings and bombings: "What would the government do if a 10,000 kg bomb were placed at the Colombian prosecutor general's office?"