The feelings (1)

Chapter 5

Standing in front of my mirror, smoothing my hairs and dress for the fifth time. Anyone who sees me right now might think am preparing for a job interview but they are wrong if they thought that way.

Taking in a deep breath "why didn't I think of the possibility of him proposing today?" "Today might be the day have been praying for to come" "I haven't decided on who would be my little brides" I screamed out in excitement blushing hard. Checking the time "God, am late" I screamed running out in search for a cab.

Sighting one, I rushed into it" johnex hotels and suites, please hurry up sir! "I pleaded.


it actually took me tew minutes to get here, immediately I entered the hotel got lost at the sight of riches, everywhere smelt of money. Making my way into the restaurant section which occupied only the down floor, while from the second floor upwards consists of hotel rooms.

Walking in she sighted Steve quickly at the extreme waving at her, smiling back she began walking majestically towards the table ignoring the hungry looks she got from mens beside her. I watched in awe as he stood up drawing the seat out for me like a real gentleman "Yay" I muttered.

He took his seat opposite mine with a sad face, I became tensed "Did something bad happen at work?" Did he get fired? " different types of questions came running through my head.

" Is everything okay? "I asked breaking the awkward silence between us.

" Let order first, you might be staving "he replied ignoring my question, feeling more tensed I became uncomfortable with the unusual feelings I was getting now right now.

" Am not hungry Steve, what's wrong? "I asked. Collecting the three class from the waiter placing them on the table, he bowed his head pushing the three glass towards me . I looked at him confused, demanding an answer to his strange behavior.

" Cameli - "he started lifting his face" I don't know how to say this to you - "sighing" Let's break up "He told me. I felt my world crashing down into tiny pieces.

" Why? What did I do wrong?! Please tell me so I could apologize" I pleaded but he didn't respond to me instead kept pushing the glass towards me. "Steve -" I sobbed "Please don't leave me, you know I love you with all my heart and even wanted to give my self to you but you declined, telling me to wait till we get married -".

"Camela this isn't about you giving your self to me or anything related to that, I just feel like we should go our separate ways, get married and move on with our life's?!" he screamed without showing any remorse.

"Who is she?"

"I d don't know what you're talking about" he stammered.

"Playing dumb right?".


"Betty right?".I accused.

He kept mute."I knew it-" I screamed "That day you came back late with a lipstick mark on your shirt, claiming you mistakenly got it when taking drunk Betty home -" I sobbed more louder ignoring the attention I got" while carrying her on your back not knowing that you lied and you guys weren't drunk at all just went there to have fun "I accused him again expecting him to defend himself but he didn't, just kept mute with no feelings of guilty on his face.

I stood up in anger slapped him so hard on the face before proceeding to dumping the glass of juice on him. I went out in tears, couldn't believe Steve could do this to me after staying together for 3 years.

I couldn't hold myself anymore, I broke down in real tears crying my heart out not caring if people were thinking negative about me but kept saying to my self "You are strong for not kneeling in front of that ungrateful thing".I stood up after crying for a long time then headed for a famous bar Around the corner.

Immediately I stepped In most eyes were on me, ignoring them I walked through the crowd not minding how I looked or what they whispered among them self concerning my looks. I headed towards the bar girl, ignoring the invites from the hungry men.

"Hey sugar, first time here?"


"What do you want?"

"Alcohol" I replied smiling.

She quickly served me in order to attend to the next customer sitting beside me. I drank the first, second.... Sixth glass of alcohol, my eyes and head were spinning so badly. The guy beside began adjusting closer to me, giving me a "I love you" sign. I frowned at him wanting to puke by just merely looking at his face alone.

Gulping down his glass of alcohol, he turned facing me with a grin tugged on his lips, tried trailing his hands down my exposed leg. Gritting my teeth, I slapped it of with a warning.

"Come on baby, don't be shy" he whispered to me grabbing my hands. Looking into his eyes, all I could see was pure lust for my body. Yanking his hands of mine roughly again, I stood up staggering out of the bar.

Drowning in an ocean of loneliness and bitter despair, she had no compelling reason to go on. She could inspire passion but not love, command obedience but not affection. A sigh whispered pass her lips, she was growing weary of her existence so utterly, utterly weary.

Staggering down the street, bumping into people mistakenly, she made a u turn down to the next street. Dragging her legs which might give up by just thinking of all the good times she spent with Steve only to be betrayed later. After spending 3 years together, being faithful for years in the relationship only to find out that she had been dating her self only for those years.

Her eyes became heavy with tears threatening to fall, suddenly it started drizling hard on her with the sound of her heels knacking hard on the ground she let out a curse.

"Hello beauty" he called out in the dark making her flinch, she ignored walking faster.

"Why are you running? I just wanna talk to with you" He screamed.

"leave me alone, please" she screamed back quickened her pace more.

"Don't let me get you" He screamed furiously. Immediately she took to her heels. "Fuck" He cussed out loud before going on a hot chase after her, grabbing his phone from his shorts he quickly put a call across his guys with their locations.

"Help!, someone please help me!" she screamed out which got drowned in the sound of the heavy rain and lightning. Running around in the unfamiliar places to no where in particular she regretted ever listening to keen short cuts to your homes, she came across a light shinning from afar till it became nearer she then discovered it was a van coming her way.

Cleaning her blurry eyes, she started screaming, jumping, waving her hands by the road side for them to acknowledge her presence. A smile tugged on her lips when she heard them honking at her, she let out her breath she didn't realize she was holding all this while, as they got closer to her.

Brushing her wet hair back they stopped at her front, the door opened revealing few men dressed on black shorts and hod armed with guns. Frozen at first as the gun was being pointed at her yelling at her to get in the van, retreating slowly, within a twink of an eye she made a swift turn running for her life.

Immediately they also took to their heels running after her, taking out her phone she began calling Bella while running for her dear life. Hiding in an uncompleted building, she brought out her phone and dialed Bella again "Did you guys had sex?" she answered the call, just then a metal collided against her head making her phone fall down as she fell to the cold floor.

Kicking her phone off to a corner, she watched as he pulls out a syringe squatting down to her size he injects her shoulder making her unconscious.