Author's Note

Hello Readers,

I would like to warn the readers about the names and references I have used in this book.

In this book, the Moon Goddess is a Triple Deity i.e. she has three appearances.

1. Goddess Diana - Goddess of Hunting

2. Goddess Luna - Moon Goddess

3. Goddess Hecate - Goddess of Underworld and Sorcery

All the three Goddesses reside at Mount Selas with their protectors and army.

The names of the Goddesses and their powers have been taken from Greek and Roman mythologies. Everything else is my imagination.

Also, this book contains quite some gore and if you are not comfortable reading it, you can skip the chapter or the scene. I will put a warning at the beginning of the chapter.

Now that all the warnings have been given, let's start reading. I hope you will enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoy writing it.