Battle at night - Part 1

Azimir halted in his place and gazed at the alluring girl, his grey eyes not moving away from her even for a moment. Though he had seen countless elegant and beautiful women in his life, he had never been attracted to anyone before and this thought alone surprised him. There was a unique charm about her that lured him to her and even before he knew it, his legs started moving in her direction, completely forgetting everything else.

He was utterly transfixed by her as he kept moving towards her. Under the clear night, her face shone brighter than the stars while she dealt with the other wolves with all her might. She was gasping for breath and Azimir noticed the droplets of sweat that adorned her forehead. But not once did she back off and Azimir had never felt anyone be so endearing until then.

'Alpha,' He heard Vasili shout in his mind and it was only then that he broke out of his stupor. His eyes shifted to the pack of furious wolves, waiting to attack the humans and his eyes narrowed dangerously.

Vasili was already staring in his direction and from his desperate shout, Azimir discerned how helpless he was in this situation. He had given his best to control the unruly wolves. But had been unsuccessful at it and they had eventually hurt some of the humans in the group.

As soon as the notion entered his mind, Azimir's eyes returned to the alluring girl in the group of warriors, searching for any traces of injury. But he could not make out for she was completely covered in black leather armor. And the men around her kept hindering his gaze as they joined her in fighting off the wolves.

Infuriated by the turn of events, Azimir snarled, alerting everyone in the vicinity. The ferocious growl stopped the fight for a few moments, with everyone's attention now fixed on him.

While the wolves stopped fighting as soon as they saw their livid Alpha, the humans were terrified to see another wolf, more fierce and gigantic than the ones they were dealing with joining the fight.

'Do not harm the humans. I am warning you that the consequences will be dire if you disobey me.' He growled at his pack members and the wolves who were actively fighting at the front whimpered in fear.

They had never seen their Alpha this incensed before and they realized what would happen after the dreadful night ended. They had ignored the orders he had given them and had attacked the humans the moment they saw them. Their pursuit to hunt them down, rip their bodies apart and revel in the power they had over them made them lose all their rationality and forget their Alpha's orders.

'You will all face your punishments later for ignoring my commands before. None among you will be spared. Now back off.' He spoke to them in their minds and immediately after, all the wolves moved back, allowing him space to come to them.

Though still annoyed, Azimir withheld himself from lashing out at them. Giving them a warning glance as he padded towards them, he shifted his attention to the warriors again, focusing solely on the girl in the middle.

The moment his grey eyes met her determined yet frightened sapphire orbs, his world stopped. Her captivating eyes were powerful enough to bewitch his soul and Azimir was surprised at the effect she had on him when it was only the first time he was seeing her.

Neither did he know who she was nor did he know what she was doing here. The impact she had on him and his heart was enough to render him stunned.

Azimir did not despise this strange but pleasant feeling. He embraced it wholeheartedly as he walked to stand in front of his pack members while facing the group of warriors with the stream separating them.

The warriors held their swords and spears, prepared to defend themselves if necessary and Azimir smiled to himself at their thoughtfulness. At least, they understood the reason behind the wolves' behavior on this frightening night. All the injuries they had inflicted on the wolves were not intentional and they were only defending themselves.

'I will need to have a good word with the leader once the night ends. The warriors know who we are and have been careful enough to not kill any of the wolves. But why are they even here when they knew how unruly and ferocious we would become?' He wondered.

Even before he could come up with any notion, the girl in front of him stepped forward carefully, breaking his chain of thoughts. The sudden movement startled Azimir and the other wolves. But it was the waft of blood in the air that shocked him the most.

The moment she had taken a step towards him, the smell of blood in the air around him had become intense and he realized at once that she had been injured. He let out a low cry of pain and the girl stopped moving the next instant. The warriors with her stiffened visibly, misunderstanding his cry of despair to be his desire to hunt them down and they thrust their spears forward, forcing Azimir to step back.

The wolves who had quietened down the moment their Alpha had arrived took this action as the call for a fight. The humans had threatened their Alpha, their ruler, and this time not only the young wolves, but even the older and the trained ones also lost their control.

Clouded by their desire to avenge the insolence the humans had shown towards their Alpha, the wolves growled in rage. Even Vasili who had been calm and under control lost his cool and bared his teeth at the humans.

Hearing the wolves ready to attack them, the warriors too prepared themselves for a fight. Though still terrified of the aggressive animals, they did not yield whatsoever. If not for their King's orders, they would not have ended up in such a predicament in the first place. And all they could do now was protect themselves and wait for the night to end.

Azimir did not even have the chance to stop his pack members. The instant the humans held onto their weapons, the wolves behind him leaped forward, completely disregarding his orders.