Searching the jungle - Part 1

"Vasili," Azimir held his friend's hand and waited for the man to respond.

To Azimir, he seemed to be in a better condition than before even though it had only been a few moments since he had last seen him. His complexion, though still pale, looked brighter and Azimir let out a sigh in relief.

"How is he, Kyle?" He queried, not moving his gaze away from the man who was sleeping soundly.

"Alpha, he is weak but out of danger. He woke up for a few seconds before he fell asleep again." Kyle stated, not concealing his smile from his King. He discerned how crestfallen the man had been when he had bitten his own friend, hurting him to the extent that he had to fight for his life. Now that Vasili was out of danger, he sighed in relief, happiness settling in his previously chaotic heart.

"When will he wake up? I would like to apologize to him for I what did."

Aylin, who had been standing outside the room, lifted her head and frowned slightly as she stared at Azimir's back upon hearing him. But she did not speak a word, allowing the people of Ideni to have their moment. She just smiled at Zavid who was accompanying her and returned her gaze to the young Alpha.

"Vasili needs rest, Alpha. He will wake up once his body gets the rest he needs." Kyle assured him and Azimir nodded at him, still not moving his gaze away from his friend.

"Thank you, Kyle. Thank you very much. Thank you for saving my Beta, my friend."

All the people around Azimir understood the underlying meaning behind his words. Since the day he had lost his parents, he had stopped trusting anyone and the only man who could ever affect him was his only friend, his Beta Vasili.

Despite him not showing his emotions, the people of Ideni had seen the trust he had towards his Beta. Now that he had hurt the man he cared for the most, how could not be depressed and guilty?

"Alpha, please do not blame yourself." Vasili's father, Ezra patted on his shoulder to console him. "He will wake up soon."

Azimir let out a smile in reproach and stood up, facing the man who had once been his father's advisor and Beta.

"Please forgive me, Beta Ezra and Lady Fiona," He stared at the couple before he bowed at them in apology. "I hurt your son and because of me, he is in this state."

"No, Alpha." Ezra stopped him immediately, not allowing the man to continue any further. "We never held you responsible for what happened to Vasili. The situation was not under our control, we were weak against the power of the Moon Goddess."

Ezra assured him even though he knew that Azimir still held himself guilty. Only Vasili could bring the man out of his emotional distress and he left it upon his son to handle his friend.

Kyle noticed Azimir's, though faint but obvious, red eyes and shook his head, reprimanding him silently for ignoring his condition.

"Alpha, you must be fatigued from the previous night. Please take some rest. My assistants will inform you once Vasili wakes up." He assured him and when Azimir was about to object to it, he almost frowned at him, showing his concern towards him.

"I recommend all the werewolves too to take some rest. The night had been terrifying and exhausting. Now that Beta Vasili is out of danger, we have nothing to worry about."

Kyle gave Azimir a look and the young Alpha understood what the old physician was trying to express. It was true that the night had been exhausting, both mentally and physically and Vasili was now out of danger. But they were still matters that needed his immediate attention and at once, his eyes shifted towards the door.

Though he could not see Aylin, she was still close by. He could sense her and he let out a frustrated sigh while running a hand through his already disheveled hair.

"I agree with you, Kyle. You need to take some rest too. You have worked hard. And Beta Ezra and Lady Fiona," He shifted his attention towards the couple who had no intentions of leaving the room. "Please rest for a while. I am sure Vasili would not want to see you in such a distraught condition once he wakes up."

Under Azimir's insistence, all the werewolves departed to rest for some time and the human guards took their places. Before leaving Kyle instructed his assistants to check the sleeping man's wounds every hour and inform him if necessary.

Azimir glanced at his friend before he too left the room, his eyes searching for the girl he so desperately wanted to speak to. Fortunately for him, he did not even have to search for long for Aylin was nearby with Zavid right behind her.

Nodding at the guards on his way, he reached them and pursed his lips, not knowing how to start the conversation. His previous actions when they were in the study flashed in his mind and he fidgeted in his place in nervousness.

"Alpha, you must be tired from all that happened. Would you like to take some rest before addressing the other matters?"

Zavid sensed the awkward air around them and he intervened before it became too uncomfortable. Though he had no idea what had happened between his Alpha and the lady beside him, he sensed it to be something that had transpired when they were alone in the study. Otherwise, why would his Alpha start behaving weirdly all of a sudden?

Grateful at his Gamma breaking the silence, Azimir smiled to himself.

"Yes, Alpha. Please take some rest. I will meet you after some time." Aylin added.

"No, Commander Aylin. Though a good rest sounds enticing, I cannot delay the matters that concern my people and my guests. We will have to find the perpetrators. I will not be able to rest until then." His expression turned serious and he gazed at Zavid for a brief moment.

"Moreover, the more we delay, the more the chances of losing any clue that we might find in the jungle. We should depart soon so that we can find the people who ambushed your group and tried to smear dirt on us."