Pleasant emotions

"How long do I have to wait?" Aylin queried when time passed by and Azimir still had her in his embrace, forcing her to stay this way. All she could do was wait for the man to let her go.

Azimir's smile widened on hearing her grumble and he almost had the urge to pull her into his embrace completely and hug her to his heart's content. Everything about her was making him lose his control and he did not know what was happening to him. But whatever it was, he did not loathe it.

A myriad of emotions that he could not comprehend passed through his heart and to Azimir, they were unknown but pleasant. And he wished to explore more and find out what was wrong with him.

Though the other warriors were surprised to see the Alpha of Ideni holding their Commander in such proximity, they understood his intentions behind his actions. The werewolf among their opponents was in his human form and naked, and it was not acceptable for Aylin to see him in the brutal condition he was in.

"Only a few moments, Commander."

Azimir's voice was filled with mirth and joy and for a moment, Aylin wondered if he was tricking her. Immediately after, she discarded the thought.

'Why would he be tricking me? What would he get out of it?' She wondered. Neither Aylin nor the people with her realized what was happening.

While Zavid had run away after bringing the werewolf to them, Azimir had mind-linked him, ordering him to take his time to return. They were in no hurry to cover the man and moreover, he was currently unconscious. So, even if he was covered, it would be of no use for them.

Completely oblivious to his Alpha's intentions, Zavid was stunned by his commands. But he did not question it and did as he was told. He waited in his spot after shifting to his human form with a set of clothes in his hands.

'How long do I have to wait, Alpha?' Zavid waited patiently, even though his confusion regarding his Alpha's actions was killing him.

'Just a few moments. I will inform you when I am done.' Azimir replied, not realizing that he had only perplexed his Gamma all the more and the poor man was now curious to find out what was happening. Yet, he did not dare to disobey his Alpha's commands and he waited for his permission.

Meanwhile, Azimir hid his smile as he stared at the unconscious naked man in front of him. Though he was still incensed by what had happened, he was also thrilled to have this pleasant opportunity to be close to Aylin.

'Aylin,' He sighed and took a whiff of her scent. Though her unique fragrance was with mixed sweat, he was only lured towards it and subconsciously, he wrapped his other hand around her waist, securing her in his embrace.

Aylin felt his hand sneaking around her waist and she lifted her head at once. All she could see was his sharp jaw as he stared ahead. In her sight, was his thin lips that seemed to be hiding a smile and for a moment, she had the instinct to kiss them and find out how they felt against her lips.

Aylin gulped softly as she fixed her gaze on his lips before she bit her lip.

'What is happening to me? Why am I this attracted to him?' She wondered and tilted her head to get a good look at him.

But the moment she did so, Azimir's eyes shifted towards her, forcing her to avert her gaze away from her. Her cheeks heated up and turned a beautiful shade of red, enthralling Azimir more than he already was with her.

Aylin looked so lovely and appealing that Azimir was having a hard time controlling himself. All he wanted was to do what his heart was telling him to, touch her and kiss her luscious pink lips. Never had he felt this way towards any woman before and he himself was surprised by the effect she had on him.

In just one day, Aylin had captured his attention and evoked unfamiliar feelings in his heart, making it hard for Azimir to comprehend what was even happening.

It was not her physical beauty he was attracted to. Azimir knew it, though that was what had captured him first. It was her courage and confidence that fascinated him. Her sapphire orbs held a fearless glint in them. They burned with such confidence and power that Azimir could not help but be sucked into them every time he gazed at them.

'Aylin, what are you doing to me?' He wondered and tightened his hold on her waist only to elicit a gasp from her. She parted her lips as she stared at him while her eyes reflected his face and Azimir let go of her immediately before he lost control utterly.

Fortunately for them, nobody saw what had happened between them for all the men were behind Aylin.

'Zavid, come back.' He ordered and the man who had been waiting for his instructions rushed back, not noticing the difference in his tone.

"Zavid will be here shortly. Wait until he covers the man." He stated and Aylin nodded at him, still shocked by what had happened a moment ago. She licked her lips and lowered her head as she tried to calm her heart.

She had noticed the changes in the man when he had tightened his hold on her. His eyes had turned dark when he had looked at her lips and she realized that he too was having the same thoughts as her. Happiness surged through and she stifled a smile as she bit her lip.

'Is he feeling the same way as I am?' She wondered and clasped her sword tight. Her heart which had barely calmed down started to thump madly again. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths to calm herself down, not realizing that Azimir was now gazing at her.

He smiled softly on seeing her close her eyes. But the smile slipped the moment he heard footsteps and he took a step away from Aylin so as to not raise any suspicions.

"Alpha," Zavid greeted the man, startling Aylin and the girl's emotions calmed down immediately. She waited a few moments before she heard Zavid's voice again.

"I am done, Alpha, Commander Aylin." He stated and she looked at Azimir to receive a nod from him.

Aylin turned around and the moment she saw the wounded man, her eyes widened in shock. "Why is he here?" She mumbled.

"Do you know him, Commander Aylin?" Azimir raised an eyebrow at her and Aylin nodded at him.

"Yes, he is Dariel Rees, the Gamma of the kingdom of Renada."