Soulmates expectations

Azimir held Vasili's hand and observed the sleeping man. Compared to a few hours earlier, he seemed to be in a better condition. Albeit being pale, his face looked healthy and Azimir sighed in relief.

After escorting Aylin to her room, Azimir had reluctantly left her to herself, allowing her to gather her thoughts. A lot had happened between them and Azimir did not intend to scare her more by being reckless. Immediately after, he had visited his friend, his eyes sparkling on seeing him.

"Get well soon, Vasili. I have a lot to tell you and I am sure that you would love to hear them all."

Azimir smiled in joy when he recalled how Aylin had accepted him, though she had not been vocal about her thoughts. Even in her silence, he could read her emotions and Azimir was beyond thrilled to think that the lady he had once admired and still did was willing to accept his feelings, despite them being still fresh and budding.

"Vasili, do tell, why I am feeling this way towards Aylin when it has only been a few hours since I met her?" He mumbled, his smile slipping for a moment. This question had occupied his mind for a long time and he had been unable to find any answer to it even now.

He admired Aylin. He was astonished by her bravery and abilities even before he saw her in person. Every time he heard about her and her courageous actions, his heart would unknowingly swell up in pride and a smile would settle on his lips. Never had he felt this way for even himself or his people.

His heart would pound in happiness every time he thought about her and now that she was here, in his kingdom, in his castle, close to him, Azimir was exhilarated.

"Am I just attracted to her physically?" He mused and he shook his head in denial immediately after.

"No, it cannot be. I accept that Aylin is a beautiful woman. But that is not the only reason I am enticed by her. It must be her boldness and domineering aura and her uniqueness. Yes, that has to be it." Azimir argued with himself and recalled how she had dealt with Dariel in the dungeon.

At first, he had been confused by her. But soon, she had pushed the enemy to the point of no return and all they had to do now was wait for their prey to take the bait. He did not despise anything about her. Even her viciousness while dealing with her enemies delighted him and Azimir's smile widened when he remembered her dazed state when he had kissed her to convey his affection to her.

A sigh escaped his lips and he stared at Vasili again. "Vasili, Do you remember the night when we had gone on a hunt in the jungle for fun and while returning, we had chosen to rest at the riverbanks? It was the day before the full moon and my father, the Alpha had ordered us to stay obedient."

Azimir's eyes flashed with grief as he spoke about his father. But he composed himself immediately and forced all his sorrow away from his heart.

"Anyway, we spoke about how we imagined our soulmates to be as we stared at the starry night." He continued.

"I still remember your words. You were reluctant to reveal your thoughts about your prospective soul mate and all you told me was that you would let your heart decide about it." Azimir let out a chuckle and he moved his body until he was completely on the bed and was now sitting cross-legged beside his friend.

"Vasili, at that time, I had not understood the meaning behind your words and had teased you about it. But now, I understand what you were conveying and I agree with you on it."

Azimir did not mind accepting his loss in front of his friend for he had been wrong in the past. While Vasili had questioned him back about his soul mate, all his response had been was a shrug. Never had he wished to find someone for himself nor had he even thought about it. All he wanted was to be a powerful king who could protect his kingdom and subjects well.

Azimir had not imagined his friend's words to be true and his heart had chosen the person he had long admired but had never seen before. Aylin already had his respect and pride. She was now even having his affection and slowly, but surely, she was making her way in his heart, occupying it entirely.

"I would not be surprised if she were to rule my heart in the future." Azimir did not despise the idea and a look of anticipation settled on his face. He was now eager for the day when he would love her with all his soul and heart and the woman too would love him equally in return.

Azimir's eyes were bloodshot. Lack of sleep for two days straight was taking a toll on his body and his head started to throb lightly. But he ignored them in his plight and continued to speak to his friend about Aylin, not caring that it was past midnight and in a few hours, he would have to take charge of the court again.

It was only when he looked out of the window momentarily and noticed the moon shining in the night sky that he realized how long he had been in this room. A wave of fatigue washed over him immediately and he felt the pain in his head.

"Look at me. In my happiness, I even forgot that it was past midnight. I should leave now and take some rest." Azimir lowered Vasili's hand and sighed lightly. "I will visit you in the morning. I just hope you will be awake by then, Vasili."

Azimir took a deep breath and waited for a few moments to clear his messed up thoughts before he got out of bed. Taking one last glance at his friend, he walked out of the room, his mood brightening in satisfaction.

The instant the door to the room closed, Vasili opened his eyes, his light brown eyes twinkling just like the stars. He stared at the closed door for a long time, his lips arching up in a smirk before he closed his eyes again and fell into a deep slumber.