Kiss of goodbye

Neither Azimir nor Aylin could sleep the entire night, both lost in each other thoughts.

Azimir stared out of the window as he watched the starry night, wishing for time to halt completely. Aylin would leave in the morning and he had no reasons to stop her, not when she was bound by responsibilities. He could only let her leave for the time being until he arrived at Aranill after a few days.

As every moment passed, Azimir's heart dropped into a state of total despair. He ran his hand through his hair, disheveling them more than they already were. A few strands fell on his face, giving him an approachable look and he folded his hands before he leaned on the window sill.

It was some time past midnight and soon, dawn would break out. Though Azimir was exhausted, his eyes refused to close, the wolf in him whimpering in sorrow. He could not accept this temporary separation and he was roaring at Azimir, commanding Azimir to stop Aylin from leaving.

"I want her to stay back too." Azimir sighed. "But I am helpless. She has her responsibilities and I will never stop her from doing what she wants."

The animal in him let out a cry before he sat down and lowered his head in desperation. Silence filled the room and except for the crackling of the fire in the hearth and the crickets chirping in the garden, Azimir did not hear any other sound. He let out a sigh as he started to count the stars to spend his time until dawn broke out.

The moment he saw the sky turning red and the first rays of the sun entering his room, Azimir pushed himself away from the window sill and entered his bathroom. He freshened himself as quickly as possible, desperate to go to Aylin and spend ample time with her before she departed.

Azimir stared at himself in the mirror as he fixed his coat and brushed his hair until he deemed himself to be perfect. Satisfied, Azimir smiled in appreciation. He had barely taken a step away from the mirror when someone knocked on his door.

A frown marred his face and he rushed to open it, only to be surprised to see Aylin waiting for him with a look of anticipation.


She did not give him the chance to finish as she pushed him inside, startling him with her actions before she closed the door after her.

Azimir's frown appeared on his forehead again and he gave her a look of confusion. "Is something the matter, Aylin? What happened?"

"I wanted to see you."

Azimir was taken aback by her words but nevertheless, was beyond delighted.

"I could not sleep the entire night and the moment dawn broke out, I came to you."

Satisfaction and exultation surged through him and he did not wait to pull the woman into his embrace. "I was just about to look for you too but you beat me to it."

Nobody spoke for a long time as they reveled in each other's presence. Azimir wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer while Aylin closed her eyes as she listened to his powerful heartbeat. A contented smile landed on her lips as she took in his mesmerizing scent. She let out a sigh of happiness, hoping for the time to stand still.

But it was all her wishful thinking. Even before she could relish in his embrace fully, the sun had risen in the sky and its warm rays entered the room, breaking the couple from their embrace.

"I will have to leave now," Aylin stated with much difficulty, her face crestfallen and unwilling.

Even Azimir felt hopeless and in distress as he held her hands in his. "I do not want to let you leave. What do I do?"

His gentle yet desolate expression broke Aylin's heart. But she was helpless in this matter. She stood on her toes and held the man's face in her hands, forcing his sterling grey eyes to meet her cerulean orbs.

"I will wait for you in Aranill."

She then pecked his lips lightly. But Azimir was not satisfied with just a mere peck and before Aylin could pull back, he held her face, forcing her to stay where she was as he deepened the kiss.

While one hand girded around her waist, pulling her closer to him, the other hand raked through her hair gently to hold her in position. He lowered his head, making sure that Aylin was on her feet instead of her toes.

Aylin did not hesitate to kiss him back, pouring out all her yearning for him through her actions. She wrapped her arms around his waist as she angled her head to allow Azimir to kiss better.

Azimir nipped on her lips, taking in the sweetness that solely belonged to Aylin before he licked her lips gently, stating his intentions to the woman in his arms. And Aylin, at once, parted her lips, allowing him to delve his tongue inside her hot, sweet cavern as he took in her exquisite taste.

His tongue entangled with hers as they engaged in a sweet battle while their hearts danced to a tune only they were familiar with. Azimir's gentle kiss swept Aylin off her feet and she smiled softly, showing her elation to him as she continued to kiss him.

It was only when they had difficulty breathing that Azimir pulled away from her. A thin strand of saliva connected their lips before it eventually broke. Azimir pressed his forehead against hers as he took deep breaths to calm himself down.

Aylin too was in no better state. The kiss had disrupted her mind and her heart was singing in uncontrollable joy. She let out slow breaths as she tried to compose herself. But in vain. Azimir was still close to her and his hot breaths fell on her cheeks, exciting her to kiss him again. Only Aylin knew how she stopped herself from carrying out what her heart desired at that moment.

Azimir pecked her lips again before he let her go. "I will meet you soon, Aylin. Please wait for me."

"I will, Azimir. I will." Aylin assured him with a gentle smile. "I will have to leave now. Others must be waiting for me." She held his hands reluctant to let him go. Eventually, she gave up and let go of him.

"Goodbye, Azimir. Until next time."