Shameless Azimir

Unlike Azimir who was skeptical about the man and his intentions, all the other men in the arena were impressed by their Commander's honest and upright character. Though she had almost killed one of the warriors, she had even accepted her mistake, willing to take her punishment for what she had done. The respect they had for her increased and many men started to see her in a new light.

Aylin nodded at Casper before she pushed her sword inside her scabbard. She then started to walk away, not giving another glance at anyone. However, before she could leave the arena Azimir stopped her from behind.

"Are you not forgetting something, Commander?" He queried, his smile widening while his eyes danced with amusement. Though he was still wary of Casper, he decided to deal with him later and handle Aylin first. He had to speak to her and he intended to use this opportunity to have a word with her.