Vasili's thoughts - Part 3

Vasili was at a loss of words for a long time and all he did was gape at the man in front of him. It was unbelievable to even think about the incident let alone see it to be the truth. He did not know what to say or even how to react, considering how twisted the situation was. 

Azimir too stayed silent when he saw the look of realization on his Beta's face. He nodded at him lightly in affirmation and Vasili's heart almost burst out of his chest in horror. Why would the man try to harm Aylin if all he wanted was her? What was he trying to do by attacking Aylin?

Vasili's state of total confusion was not hidden from Azimir who at the moment was in a similar condition. He too could not comprehend what the man wanted to do by attacking Aylin when he was so obsessed with her. His actions completely contradicted his intentions and Azimir let out a frustrated sigh.