Chapter 1: Limbo

I woke up covered in a transparent liquid inside a glass pod. Through it, I could see the Psion scientists conversing amongst themselves while speaking to one another. While I couldn't quite understand what they said, I could still deduce somethinh from their body language and tone. They seemed excited, more so than compared when they first found me at the Citadel. I mean who could blame them. Even I could barely believe what had happened.

It started as any other day. They would clean, cloth and feed me before sending into another one of their sadistiac experiments. Today, they wanted, to test my race's ability to absorb solar energy , by bombarding me with concentrated amounts of rays. It almost killed me but it didn't matter to my captors. My life would have ended at that moment had it not been for the fact that my own body rebelled against its impeding demise. When I was getting bombarded with solar rays, I remembered that I somehow shot a beam of concentrated energy that decimated more than quarter of the facilities equipment including the device that was been used to bombard me with the energy. However promptly after my outburst, I fell unconscious which must be when they recaptured me once more.

The Psions didn't look too overly concerned that I was now awake, confident that whatever pod I was inside is enough of to keep me captive. Except, I can feel the power still coursing through my body. All I have to do is let it out.

I waited until they had there guards down before I tapping into the power. Unlike last time where it was focused to my eyes, this time I focused the energy throughout my entire body, culminating in a destructive, green burst of energy. The shockwave killed the Psions who were studying me but as I result I felt weak. I crawled out of the what remained of the pod, eager to escape, as the alarms began blaring. It would take mere minutes for this room to be filled with guards as the shockwave had also taken out any surveillance gear inside the room. As such, the Psions will hopefully assume that I was still a threat and will refrain from entering without adequate protection.

I forced my body to get on my feet and began looking around the remains of the room. Unlike the research lab from before, this was a containment room, meaning entering and exiting it will not be quite so easy. I resisted the urge to throw up as I saw the remains of the Psion researchers. Some of them had shards of glasses or metal debris embedded into their bodies while others had been fully or partially crushed by less secure structures inside the room. I was looking for a keycard to exit the room as the doors required either authorisation via password or a keycard. And perhaps a weapon to defend myself with as I used up most of the energy with that one attack.

I had no luck with a keycard but I did find a weapon. One of the researchers had his sidearm, a small plasma pistol which was thankfully only had minor amount of damage. With the weapon in hand, I thought of a better alternative than exiting via the door which was sure to be well guarded by the Psions at the moment. I walked to a corner of the room where I saw a floor grate that led to a vent. The grate was sealed and I doubted I could have done anything to it even at my best physical condition. And so I opted to use the plasma pistol.

With a few well placed shots, the grate was damaged enough for me to descend into the vent. Once down there, traversed the labrynthian network of the vents to make my way to the hangar.

At some point, the Psions must have breached the containment room as more alarms began blaring across the ship and the guard's began moving in a frenzy, patrolling the rooms and even descending down into the vents themselves. Eventually, I came face to face with these guards and had no choice but to fight, taking out over 5 guards before more patrols converged on our position,

Upon realising that I was about to get overwhelmed, I chose to exit the vents via the nearest grate which took me inside what looked like the medical bay. Once I was out of the vents, I walked over and began grabbing bottles out of the cupboards and dumped them inside the vents I had emerged from before shooting down it. Many of the medicines in there were flammable and the plasma bolt ignited the liquids inside the bottles. While not effective, it would hopefully buy me some time.

As I still felt weak from my outburst, I then looked through for anything that would help me regain my strength. For my efforts, I found several carbohydrate capsules and adrenaline enhancers (I don't know the extraterrestrial equivalent of adrenaline injection and glucose in DC. If there is any specific name for it, please inform me.) which I devoured hungrily. The pills took effect within a few seconds and I was more or less back at full strength.

I then got out of the medical bay and began my search for the hangar once more using my limited knowledge of their language to deduce where it might be. Since I had recovered enough for me to be able to fly, I used it to evade most of the patrols that were looking for me.

However, even after several minutes searching for it, I still had no clue where I was eventually chose to bite the bullet so to speak and enter a random room. Which turned out to be a mistake.

The room was another laboratory filled with researchers who were staring right at me as I entered. When I turned around to escape one of them pushed a button and trapped me in there before advancing towards me. The researchers were well armed, probably did so after alarms went off and told me to surrender.

But I knew what awaited for me should I let them capture me again. And so, I decided then and there to fight even at the cost of my own life. With newfound strength, I flew towards a pillar while blindly firing at the researchers, hitting two of them before taking cover behind the pillar. The Psions opened fire and and took cover behind anything they could find as well.

Unfortunately for them, I was faster as I began switching covers while shooting, using my flight to evade any attacks that came my way while picking my attackers off one by one until there was no one left. I then looked around the lab and found that the researched were in the process of fabricating yet another energy emiiter, same as the one they had used on me that resulted in my newfound powers. Most likely for further test into my new ability. After pondering for a few seconds, I decided to activate it to replenish my energy reserves. As the device hummed to life, I stood infront of it, bracing for the ensuing pain. And sure enough, when the beam hit my body, I felt pain eminating from all around it. However I also felt energised in a way I had never been before.

After a few seconds of being bombarded with these rays, I got out from its path before promptly shutting of the device. I panted for several moments until the pain subsided before clenching my fist.

Green energy coalesced around my fist indicating I could still utilise my new power. Coincidentally, it was at that moment when the Psion reinforcements arrived. My lips curled into a smirk and my heard was filled glee at the thought of having more targets to test these beams on.

Honestly such a mentality would have been worrying to me in the past. Even under the captivity of the Citadel I could never bring myself to even think about killing someone. However, after suffering through their sadistic experiments I was all out of mercy for these monsters.

I peeked out of the shot out a beam of energy in a horizontal arc, taking down 3 out of the 8 guards who got in. The rest managed to react in time to dodge out of the way or take cover.

After losing 3 of their peers so quickly, the remainder of the guard's began panicking. Barking orders at one another before some of them began to provide suppressing fire so that the rest could advance.

Im response, I floated upwards before dashing at another pillar. And on the way to my new destination, I released a barrage of energy using both my new ability as well as the plasma pistol I procured to conserve my energy. This barrage ended up killing 1 and injuring 2 more. One of the injured Psion was missing his arm while the other was bleeding out from his abdomen as my energy bolt blew off a part of his abdomen.

This left only 2 who after seeing their entire squad get wiped, began panicking with and started to shoot wildly around the entire room, damaging the terminals monitors and other techs littered around the room. I waited them to give an opening before peeking out of cover shooting a plasma bolt at one of them killing them while also emptying the plasma pistol. Seeing this, the surviving Psion abandoned his assault and tried to run away.

However he was no match for me as I reducee distance between us in a matter of seconds before grabbing his nape and lifting him up above the ground. He attempted to attack me with his weapon only for me to grab it with my free hand and focus my power on that hand. The gun practically melted in a matter of seconds after my hand started to glow making the survivor yell out in pain. I then ripped out his face plate before planting a kiss on his lips thereby absorb his knowlge regarding his language.

"Lead me to your hangars if you want to live." I demanded in the Psions own language as my eyes turned green. The former began shaking with fear before he nodded.

It took a while but the Psion managed to tell where the hangar was and I turned to leave the room with my prisoner still in hand when a thought occurred to me. I spared a glance at my prisoner then the open door before I tossed the former thought the latter. And true to my suspicions, the moment his body passed out the door into the ship's corridor, it was assaulted by several plasma bolts. It seems that they had set up a trap right outside.

I heard my would be ambushers cursing at me as I flew out of the room and faced the direction the attacks came from. There were only two guards who were still distracted after killing one of their own. As such they could barely pick up their rifles before I shot a pair of beams from my hands killing them.

I then flew towards the hangar hoping that the Psion gave me right information. Partway their though, I came face to face with one of the elite Psion guards. He wore an advanced set of armour and was wielding halberd with plasma blade. Upon seeing me, he thrusted the blade at my body causing me to spin mid flight, evading the blade before catching the shaft with one hand and using the other to the guard right across his elbow, making him lose his grip on the halberd. I then followed that up by firing a blast at his torso.

However, unlike the guards up until now, this one guard managed to survive this attack, as his armour seemed to take the brunt of the attack. Even so, the attack managed to stun him enough to allow me wrench the halberd from his grasp before I spun it around and plunged it into his torso via area I had previously damaged.

The Psion let out a gurgling noise and crumpled onto floor lifelessly but I paid it no mind as I plucked the blade out unceremoniously before pressing onwards, not even making sure if he was dead or not.

The rest of my trip was no different as the rest of the guards seemed to be catching on to my plan and had begun erecting barricades down the corridor as well as placing ambush units all of which I was able to either evade or subjugate.

And then finally, I was at the hangars with just a set of automated doors seperating me from it. I quickly entered through the doors and found several space shuttles, hopefully fueled enough to take me to safety. I flew to a nearby console, and began to go through it to begin preparations for take off.

From it, I was able to open the hangarbay doors with the gravity barrier preventing me and everything inside from being flung into space. I also managed to identify the best available craft for my escape. I was about to remotely access the ship when I felt something behind me. Following my instincts, I immediately dodged to the side, just in time for a axe to split the terminal I had been using in half.

I blindly fired a barrage of energy bolts at the figure behind me before flying away from my attacker. Once I made some distance, I turned around and faced the attacker. It was a Psion wearing a large set of power armour, which made around 3 heads taller than me. He wielded a doubled bladed axe which while made from metal looked more menacing than the plasma weaponry.

"This is as far as you go Tamaranian. We have you surrounded. Surrender and we might just be merciful." The guard said just as several guards entered and took positions around me. Against a force this big, my chance of escaping were minimal.

But just when all hope seemed lost, something happened. A wormhole suddenly opened right outside the opened hangar doors and began pulling the ship towards it. I managed to hold on to one of the ships just before the turbulence began which knocked several of the guard's off balance. The armoured guard yelled into a device on wrist and and it seemed that the Psions were doing their best to escape the worm hole. And then, the ship got damaged under the street resulting in the gravity barriers being disabled and the next thing I knew, I was being pulled towards the worm hole with my grip on the ship providing little protection against it. Around me, I saw the Psions get dragged out of the ships, the vacuum of space would kill them within seconds as they were not wearing any protective gear unlike me who can survive the vacuum of space for a long period of time.

Im just 10 seconds, me and the armoured Psion were the only ones still inside what remained of the hangar with him using his axe as an anchor. And then, the worm hole started to get faster and I found myself losing my grip. After a few more minutes of trying to hold on, my grip eventually gave away and I was sucked into the wormhole with the armoured Psion suffering a similar fate.

The last I saw before losing my consciousness, was the dark void withing the centre of the wormhole.