An: Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to go through the training and time skip stages in one go as I find it difficult effectively write these kinds of chapters individually. I swear the next chapter will drop either later today or tomorrow.
1 year. For an entire year my daily schedule was controlled by the Ancient One and the monks from Kun Lun. The training under the the masters of the mystic arts drained me mentally while the training under the monks of Kun Lun kept me physically and spiritually drained.
But it was all worth it as I had advanced more than anyone else had at such a short amount of time. Due to my previous tutelage under the Warlords, martial arts and meditation came to easily. My experience with harnessing solar energy also gave me quite a edge when learning to utilise Chi. And I was skilled enough to no longer need the guidance of the monks in the regards of Chi. All that's left now is to learn to completely master my newly acquired skills with hardwork and dedication.
And so, I bade farewell to the monks of Kun Lun and went back to Kamar Taj though I still made time to practice the Monk's teachings regularly and even visit them from time to time.
As for what my new abilities, I could now adjust the power of my star bolts, all the way from projectiles strong enough to melt steel in a second to one weak enough to only emit a concussive force, perfect for non lethal takedowns. I was also inspired to use it in even more ways when one of the apprentices introduced me to anime. Or namely, an anime named Dragonball. I have copi... I mean, taken inspiration from several of the enegy attacks the characters used in the show. And that's not to mention the results I got once I incorporated magic and or chi into the starbolts.
By imbuing magical energy into the starbolts, I have imbued several effects on my starbolts, such as making them capable of automatically homing onto their targets, enhance the starbolts destructive capabilities, use them to imprint spells on the surfaces it hits and many more.
And by imbuing chi, I was able to strengthen both my body, enhancing my natural Tamaranean Strength and my mind as well as my star bolts. Even to point I could heal people simply by firing a starbolt imbued with my chi at them.
If course these new tricks didn't come without complications, as using both my star bolts and chi simultaneously is more taxing on my body than when I use them separately. The process burns through my energy reserves at an increasingly exponential rate with continuous use. Meaning I had to use them sparingly to avoid running out of energy too fast.
As for my lessons in the mystic arts, I have grown adept at Eldritch magic under the tutelage of Master Wong and the Ancient One and I have a plethora of spells under my repetoire. In addition, as stated before, I have learned to imbue magical energies into my star bolts, allowing me to pour eldritch energy into my star bolts to increase its powers or use the star bolt as a medium to place the spell where the starbolt hits.
I have also revisited the pocket dimension where the Ancient One found me, accompanied by the woman in question. The reason was simple, I wanted to see if I could salvage anything from wreckage of the ship. Unfortunately, most of the wreckage was useless. The wormhole had shredded the one shuttle that made its way inside it and I wasn't tech savvy enough to rebuild it. So unfortunately, no space travel for me. Don't get me wrong, Tamaraneans are perfectly capable of interstellar travel, but I wasn't going to risk death by venturing into unfamiliar space without a spaceship.
Despite my best efforts, I was still unable to find anything of value, except for the halberd I used against the guard and the said guards weapon and armour. At least that was until I came across several supply crates. Some of them had nutrient pastes, the primary food source consumed by the Psions. While utterly disgusting in regards of taste, it is an excellent food source especially during prolonged interstellar travel. Other crates contained Exotic materials, electronic components and finally fabrics. Not just any fabrics, Tamaranean Silk(I obviously don't know the name of the materials they use to make their clothes. Let me know if you do.) This was the same material used by the Tamaranean Nobles for their clothes and armours.
I immediately began sewing myself an armour with it with the help of some of the apprentices.. Not only because these fabrics were more suited to brave the elements including the vacuum of space than the robes, these fabrics were designed to absorb solar energy regardless of how much of my body it covered. And I wanted something have a memento of my home.
In the rare instances when I wasn't training, I was learning more about the world through the Internet. Studying the mannerisms of humans, their culture, the history of their planet and most importantly, their entertainment medias and many more, so that I would be able to blend in once I visit one of their cities. After all, it would be a waste not to personally experience what this planet had to offer even if I didn't plan on staying for long. And now that my schedule was considerably more open now that I wasnt training at Kun Lun, I decided to visit one of the cities.
The Ancient One recommended that I visit the City of New york since it was home to one of their Sanctums incase I land in trouble. Something which she was quite sure would happen despite me assurances that it won't. And finally I was ready to visit the city with Wong as a guide.