"Ah good. You're actually here. Saves me the trouble." The 30ft tall robotic man said as he took out a rifle which was 3 times larger than myself from the spaceship.
He then began looking around non chalantly not in the least threatened by me or my prior attackers.
"You guys sure did a number on this place. Ain't there law against littering on the beach." He continued with humorous tone jn his voice.
"Deaths Head." The one of my attackers stepped forward.
"This orange primate is stronger than you think. What do you say we take her on together. We'll split the bounty." He continued.
The robotic man, Deaths Head placed his finger on his chin as if thinking about the offer.
"Nope." He suddenly said before aiming the rife at them before shooting a volley and energy beams at them.
The attackers were taken by surprise as they were struck with the beams and got disintegrated right before my eyes. One of them managed to deploy his barrier yet the beams managed to bypass it, killing them.
I was shocked by how easily he had killed the group. None of his shots had missed despite the speed at which he fired them. The projectiles themselves were equally dangerous as they had instantaneously disintegrated their targets and even bypassed energy shields designed to tank energy based projectiles.
"No need to feel bad for them girlie. They were wanted for a lot of shit. Very messed up shit." He spoke to me before turning around and leveling the rifle at me.
"Now then. What will it be? We can do this the easy way or the fun way." He added a smirk.
"What master do you serve? Why are you after me?" I asked with an exasperated tone.
"I serve only myself girlie. As for why..... the Collector wants you in his collection and he's prepared to pay a pretty penny for you. 500000 credits to be precise." He said.
"Is that a lot?" I couldn't help but ask.
Deaths Head looked at me blankly for a while breaking into laughter. "A lot? It's enough to buy a medium sized spaceship. Have you been living under a rock, girl?"
"Let's just say that I'm a very long way from home."
"Huh. Makes sense why Tivan wants you so bad. Well anyways, enough talk now ho..." His words were interuppted as I attacked preemptively with a starbolt towards his eyes. He blocked it with his arm giving me a chance close the distance between us. I had seen his skill with his firearm and I knew that engaging him in a long range fight was not going to end well for me.
I summoned my halberd and threw it like a javelin impaling the wrist joint of his right arm, which was holding the rifle Causing Deaths Head to grunt in pain.
He then used his free hand to take out a circular device and threw it at me. I dodged it on instinct and saw it opening up, showing unfamiliar electrical components. The next thing I knew I was clutching my ears in pain on the ground.
"Knew...will...come in handy." I heard the muffled voice of Deaths Head as slowly walked over to me.
He yanked out the halberd and threw it into the sand before taking out a small device. I watched him press a small button while monologuing though I was too stunned to actually pick up on what he was saying. The device then began to morph into rectangular box most likely a containment device for me.
I waited until he placed it down and stretched his arm to grab me before making my move. I shot several starbolts at his face before infusing one of my hands with chi and solar energy and followed by charging his face.
I swung a haymaker at his cheek which connects and nearly topples him. I followed up with a couple more punches before he backhanded several yards with his free hand.
He rubbed his face where I punched him which now had several dents. Several spots of his face also looked like it was melting.
I spotted my halberd on the ground where he had discarded it and opened a portal underneath it, with the exit being just a few feet to my right. As the halberd fell through the portal, I grabbed it mid air before giving it a once over.
For the most part, it was fine but the pole was slightly bent as the giant automaton was obviously not so gentle when he removed it.
"Guess it's time I got serious." Deaths Head muttered before raising his rifle and shooting a barrage of energy. Unlike the projectiles he shot at my other attackers, these these were blue. It was most likely used to nonlethal attacks since he seems to need me alive.
I conjured a barrier which blocked the initial barrage before I did what I should have done the moment I was first attacked. I took out my cell phone and dialed Tony's number.
"Whats up Zelda? Is this important cuz I'm about to go on a date with Pepper?" I heard say flippantly.
"Would you call helping your friend who is currently being attacked by a 30 foot robot hired to capture said friend for an obscenely high amount of money, important?" I asked sarcastically..... I think I have been spending too much with Tony. His sass is rubbing off on me.
I looked at Deaths Head who took out another firearm, a smaller one handed one that looked like a pistol. He stopped firing with the rifle and took aim with the pistol.
My instincts screamed at me to dodge and I gave into it,moving out of the way just in time to see a beam complete bypass my erected barrier.
"I'm one my way. And I'm bringing jolly Green with me. Think you can hold on for about 30 minutes?" Tony replied, his voice now devoid of humour.
"I'll do my best." I replied before sending my phone back to my subspace. I then began flying away from the automaton who gave chase with his rocket boots. Because of course he had them as well.
What followed was destructive back and forth and we exchanged fire and dodged each others attacks. For someone so huge, Deaths Head was unusually agile. I mostly attacked with starbolts while Deaths Head began to use a plethora of gadgets and weapons in an effort to subdue me ranging from stun grenades to a grenade that sprouted large vines that tried to entangle me and hard light containment fields. Most of which I thankfully dodged or overpowered.
He fire another volley from his rifle and I barrel rolled out of the way before decelerating, which brought me underneath him.
He stretched his arm to grab me but I dodged it as well before decelerating further and latching onto his legs. I took my halberd and stabbed it onto to his rockets before wreching it even further in an effort to do as much damage as possible.
He tried to swat me away but I managed to damage his boot quite a bit until sparks shot out of it. It's thruster began to go haywire and before I knew it, he was crashing back onto the beach.
He got up cleaning the sand from his body before looking at me. Gone was his former smug smile as he now looked quite pissed.
"Do you have any idea how much those cost?!! That's it no more Mr Nice guy. Tivan wanted you alive. He won't mind if you are missing all your limbs. At worst he'll deduct it from my paycheck and even then, it would all be worth it." He raised his rifle once more and pressed a button. The rifles shape began to shift it got even bigger and bigger making me panic inwardly. He maliciously smiled as he aimed it at me and the newly formed canon hummed to life ominously.
Then suddenly, something fell from ontop of him from the sky. It was green. It was jolly. It was Hulk in all his glory. The Hulk latched onto Deaths Head face and began to punching him over and over again until the latter grabbed him with arm and threw the former to the ground before aiming the canon at him.
That was until Tony flew down and unleashed a laser beam into the rifle causing it to glitch. Deaths Head in turn, turned around and grabbed Tony from the air before trying to stomp on the Hulk when he was struck by a pair of missiles. It was then I noticed the Quinjet. The missiles themselves didn't seem to do much to the giant buy it was able to stun it long enough for the Hulk to get up from grab the leg which was about to be stomped on him before Pushing it away with a roar making Deaths Head fall back on the sand.
Deaths Head attempted to throw an explosive which intercepted with a portal causing it fall back on him self.
Hulk then took the opportunity to jump on to his chest. His landing sent shockwaves before he began to try and rip Deaths Head piece by piece which ultimately failed as he was swatted away. He then took his pistol and shot the Hulk which managed to knock him back. He then tried to aim it at me only for Tony to hit him in his face with the Unibeam while I attacked the hand holding the pistol, stabbing it with my halberd and twisting it with all my might. I then conjured a blade made of magic and solar energy and stabbed it into the opening made by my halberd before pouring as much solar energy into the blade, making it explode with the hand.
When the smoke cleared, I saw the hand lay limp on the ground.
Seeing that he was loosing, Deaths had began thrashing that caused both me and the Hulk to retreat. But it didn't stop Tony and the Quinjet to unleash their weapons on to him.
"I'll remember this monkey." Deaths Head said as he took another gadget which I first thought was another weapon but instead of throwing at us, he simply pressed a button and vanished into thin air.
Despite him seemingly retreating, me and the Avengers remained vigilant as we searched the surroundings for any unexpected surprises.
One thing I knew for certain however was that this was far from over. This "Collector" will not stop sending these bounty hunters after me. And I may not be as lucky next time. I needed to take the fight to him.