5. Introduction to VWPS II.

"Eons passed just like that.

"The 5 entities again got bored of the wars and destruction and their never-ending life without anything interesting to do. They decided to meet up and think about something to do.

"At the meeting, the Mage proposed to bestow their powers to someone worthy and rest eternally.

"The other four weren't keen to follow the path and couldn't think of another way, so they parted ways and tried to search for something good worth living for.

"Some billions of years later, they met up again and decided to go with the idea that the mage had proposed.

"They searched for the Sixth entity and told her about their decision. She refused to follow them because she still had many things to learn and she wasn't as bored as them.

"But, she agreed to help them after thinking that she could get some suitable assistants through this method.

"First, they created a pocket dimension where the testing will be commenced.

"Within the dimension, there was a single flat Landmass spreading to a trillion square km, multiple small landmasses with an approximate surface area of 1 to 100 billion square km, and a landmass similar to the first one but half its size.

"Along with a single sphere which emits light elements from its first half and dark elements from the other side, revolving around the axis of the 2 landmasses in such a way that only light element of the sphere will fall on the larger landmass and only dark element on the smaller landmass of the 2.

"The day and night cycle was exactly 12 hrs.

"2 moons of blue and red color were hanging above the respective big landmass that would only appear after the sphere had moved to face the opposite landmass.

"That means, the blue moon would be present at night time for the larger landmass and the red moon will be present during day time for the 2nd landmass.

"The red moon was also the only source of light in the 2nd landmass. They also undergo the standard phase cycle of one month. But, there was no eclipse.

"The 6 entities replicated the situation of the Universe inside the pocket dimension.

"Different races started appearing in the 2 landmasses according to environmental conditions.

"They prospered, set up territories, and fought each other.

"The 5 entities also helped them develop by showing the path to becoming stronger and the 6th one spread knowledge about different things like alchemy, crafting, blacksmith and art like music, dancing, painting and many other aspects of life."

"They also spread different treasures, legacies, inheritance, etc. across the smaller pieces of landmasses which had entry points spread across the 2 large landmasses.

"When a specific number of certainly strong beings would appear in both the large landmass 6 Supreme Legacies will descend.

"They would have a single entry point on each of the large landmass for a total of 12 entry points.

"Every being will be given the location of the entry points in their respective landmass through a knowledge broadcast.

"After 3 months the Legacy Trials would begin. If the trial is not cleared at any one of the 6 legacies, the entire dimension will reset.

"Every race will be wiped out and the dimension will give birth to the races again after a millennium.

"They will again develop and reach the standards to summon the Legacies and if the conditions are not fulfilled the cycle will repeat.

"This cycle went on for thousands of times but there wasn't a single time all 6 legacies were cleared. The maximum number of trials cleared in a cycle was 3."

"The entities were again tired of the repetitive cycle so they started thinking of doing something different.

"The Mage proposed to summon beings from a different dimension and let them participate in their pocket dimension trial. They searched among the known dimensions but didn't find a suitable lifeform.

"The 6th entity eventually found a newly born galaxy that didn't contain the universal matter spirit particle, that is used by every being to become stronger and progress.

"The galaxy strangely wasn't able to contain the spirit particles.

"Then, a thought came to her mind. If a lifeform, which didn't have any contact with spirit particles was given the chance to become stronger and obtain more knowledge through spirit particles, how exactly will they blossom?

"She presented her idea to the other 5 entities. With nothing better to do, they decided to give it a try and searched the galaxy.

"They only found a single blue planet that was able to give birth to living beings. Humans were the ruling civilization on this blue planet.

"The race that was born with weak strength but had the greatest growth potential.

"They were playing with some technology stuff and thought of themselves as a superior life form to be able to think and speak.

"A truly primitive civilization compared to the rest of civilization out there. But this was good. The more ignorant they were, the more thirst they will have to know more and grow stronger.

"They found that these Humans had a pretty common interest towards Virtual Reality Games and were fiercely competitive about it.

"So, they decided to introduce the Universe and the purpose of the pocket dimension through a VRGame.

"But, the concept of coming back to life to continue playing stumped the Entities too.

"They decided to keep it for some extra juice, but to increase the fear of death they decided that every death will have the participant banned from entering the game for 7 days along with some penalty which can be considered the price to resurrect.

"Then, they announced the participation of foreign beings in the pocket dimension through an Oracle.

"The Oracle stated, 'To stop the cycle of destruction and development happening since the beginning, we, 6 Entities, have decided to summon beings from a different world known as players. They will start as Humans and they can change their race to any other race 1 time if they fulfilled the condition put forth by the respective race. So, welcome them when the time is ripe.' "

The introduction ended after that and Sunny was back in the void space with the pocket dimension right in front of him.

The introduction video was really awesome, he got to see a glimpse of different races up close, some fight scenes, different types of natural environments, etc.

The introduction really hyped his excitement to play the game.

The concept of spirit particle, the five Entities being the progenitor of the five classes one can choose, the sixth Entity being the progenitor of all types of lifestyle classes, the history behind the creation of pocket dimension, the 6 main legacies, etc.

Since he had already set up his character and the game would start tomorrow he exited the game and left the apartment for lunch after freshening up.

During lunch, he thought about checking out the VR Forum application which was also launched along with the introduction.

The forum had the world and regional chat separately.

The regional chat is divided into 7 regions according to the continents.

The Forum also had the filter function through which a user can search for his specific interest. But, it was locked and would only be available after the game was launched.

A person can only send 1 message in world chat every 6 hrs. Still, the world chat was bustling with traffic. One can't even read a message properly and it will be buried under thousands of responses in seconds.

Sunny visited the Asian region forum and the situation was somewhat similar with hundreds of messages per second.

In regional channels, a person can send 1 message per 2 hrs and it can be accumulated for a total of 3 messages.

"Does anyone else feel that the story is actually happening?"

"Is this really only a game or are there actually different fantasy races out there on a universal scale and we are still stuck on this small planet?"

"Does anyone here know the CEE company developers personally? If yes, can they please confirm that the game story is really a story and nothing is true?"

These types of messages kept flooding the regional and world channels.

Some were excited to join the game and explore and compete for the legacies.

Some just wanted to enjoy the game believing the story to be fictional and extremely good at that.

Some were panicking thinking it might just be true and they are just micro-organisms compared to the races out there.

All kinds of thoughts were being shared in the forum, but the majority of them were excited by the prospect of being able to play such an awesome game.

The CEE had really outdone any game on the market with this one.

The craze for VRGames had reached an all-time high because of this masterpiece of an introduction.

The graphics were extremely lifelike and many people believed the backstory to be true and CEE was just the chosen company by the 6 entities to present the universe and pocket dimension to them.

Some officers in the upper position of the Union Government would also try to pry for some answers about the truthfulness of the story soon.

After all, the CEE itself had relinquished its authority from the game, which had not been done by any other company.

Sunny finished his lunch and returned to his apartment.

For today, he didn't spend any time reading player statistics and just practiced his programming skills to keep himself distracted or he would get too excited.

At night, he had dinner early and read some boring subjects like physics, chemistry facts, etc. to force himself to sleep.

The descent of the New Year along with the upcoming launch of the game, VWPS has really pushed the celebratory atmosphere to its peak all around the world.