7. 1st Experience in VR in Village #273.

Sunny did a once over his character panel and found everything liking to his need and he waved his hand and the panel disappeared from his view. In the corner of his field of view there are 3 icons with a sheet, bag and armour image. Which represents the character/status panel, inventory and equipment slot icons respectively. He checked the inventory and equipment panel once.

_Inventory: 1 Silver, 100 Copper, 10 pieces of breads, 500ml water pouch._

The currency distribution is about 1 Gold= 100 Silver and 1 Silver= 100 Copper. Eating food can increase regeneration speed of health and decreases fatigue based on the quality and type of food. In the equipment panel, the beginner set distributed upon choosing the Mage class is equipped to a small sized human shaped avatar. And 2 more similar avatar are on the either side of the beginner set avatar in just underwear. A player has 3 slots of equipment set which they can interchange between anytime, except when in battle.

After confirming with Aurora about his choices Sunny again broke into light particles and disappeared from the white room. The next movement he appeared in a fully crowded plaza. Looking around the crowd, it is made up of players checking their surroundings. More players were continuously spawning with light particles surrounding them which fades away 5 seconds later and the players gain consciousness.

"Welcome to Village #273 player 'Chaos 273'. The villages are separate small dimensions with fixed environment, people, quests, monsters, etc. Every Village accommodates 10,000 players max. Once a player reaches level 10 they can leave the village and truly enter the Pocket Dimension created by the 6 Entities. Specifics are to be found out by players themselves. The death penalty of 7 days and more is not imposed here in the village dimension. Please enjoy your journey." Aurora's angelic voice rang out in his mind as Sunny was observing his surroundings leaving him somewhat startled.

He doesn't know if the village no. 273 was coincidental with his name or Aurora was pranking him. He just shook his head with a wry smile on his face as he began to walk towards the village which is towards the north of the summoning plaza. According to what he remembers after 1 month a documentation about the village dimension was released explaining its geography and circumstances.

Every village regardless of their no. are exactly same to each other like mentioned by Aurora. The village dimension is an irregular rhombus with the summoning plaza located at the southern most part of the dimension. The villagers are immune to the attacks of the players and any player attempting to do so will be marked as death target for every other player and villager. There are around 1,000 NPCs in the village and the only entry and exit to the village is located at the north. After exiting from there all of the dimension is left for the players to explore.

The village is divided into 3 regions. Exiting from the summoning plaza is the market region, where the players and NPCs comes to sell and buy things according to their needs and demands. Surrounding the market is the residential region where the villagers live. At the eastern part of the residential region is where the Village Head's House is located. A number of repetitive quest related to the village problems can be received there. All the quests available in the village is of E rank. Right outside the village is the farms and guard posts. There is also a mine on the eastern side just outside the guard post.

Sunny also remembered that the first player to find the method to exit and the dimension and starts the journey after 8 days, while someone had already reached level 10 at the 5th day. First to reach level 10 doesn't get any reward but the first to exit the dimension certainly gets one. His short-term goal is to get first in both. 'Who knows maybe I will get even better reward than Explorer Jiang.' thought Sunny while exiting the summoning plaza. 'According to what I remember, that Jiang guy will be sent to Village #145.'

Sunny walked through the market as he felt the virtual environment extremely lifelike. The NPCs selling their wares, players rushing for quests, inquiry, monster hunt, etc. The air free from city pollution, light breeze which carried village scent with it, pleasant sound of birds chirping. It just felt like he came for a vacation to a rural village, if the players running about were excluded.

Sunny directly went towards the Village Head's House in the residential area. After 5 min walk he reached there and saw there was just 3 players in front of the front courtyard gate which had the signboard speaking about the house's significance. Even half an hour hadn't passed since the launch, therefore there shouldn't be many players who found out about the head's house location. These 3 must be strolling about and stumbled upon this place.

Players usually have a rhombus shape icon above their head which is in various colours depending upon their status in the respective place. Like green when in a NPC protected area, yellow when in the wilderness, etc.

The 3 players were just about to knock on the courtyard door when they heard footsteps from behind and turned around to find another player dressed in mage attire. 2 of the players around the age of 25 were clad in rouge and ranger attire i.e. a light armour on the upper body, a pair of wrist guards, along with their respective class weapons. One carrying a pair of daggers and the other a bow and quiver full of arrows. The last player is a middle age man seemed to be leader of the group dressed in a fighter attire consisting of a heavy chest armour, a pair of wrist guards and a longsword on his waist.

The group just gave Sunny a once over and turned back towards the door and knocked a few times before calmly waiting. 1 minute later a man about 45 years of age opened the door and examined the players and his eyes flashed with realization after seeing their attire.

"Are you young men the foretold otherworlders?"

The middle age fighter took a moment to answer "Yes." Since the introduction mentioned about the oracle anyone with common sense can make out that 'otherworlders' is the term referred to players.

"Is it scheduled today for the otherworlders to arrive? They must have started arriving some while ago. Damn that Dravid! I told him to pay attention to the Summoning Plaza and inform me about any incident right away. He must have gone fooling around Rina again. Today I must teach him a lesson once he come back. Or I am not his Father." The Village Head muttered to himself.

In every village the first to interact with the village head hears this speech from him after answering his first question. The Village head then shifted his attention towards Sunny and the 3 players and said.

"Anyway, I am the village head Dylan of the Village #273. I know you otherworlders are brave and undying adventurers and you are here to do some tasks in exchange for some rewards. There aren't many villagers capable of fighting monsters and venture out of the village here anyways. So the arrival of otherworlders is a kind of blessing to us. There is already a board set up in the courtyard which contains list of available tasks. Remember one can only complete a particular task once. You can also spread the news to your fellow otherworlders. And also you aren't allowed to cross the inner courtyard. Or you will be marked as a Target for killing."

After saying his piece the Head Dylan walked away. Sunny walked towards the quest board erected in the courtyard. There are only 10 quests listed there which responds to various necessities of the villagers.

_Quest: Collect materials harvested from killing [Single Horned Rabbit] and deliver it to the butcher shop and the blacksmith.

Rank: E

Rabbit Horn: 0/5, Rabbit Meat: 0/10

Rewards: 15 Coppers: 10% Exp

-Accept- ; -Decline-


_Quest: Collect materials harvested from killing [Steel Clawed Wolf] and deliver it to the monster pelt shop and the blacksmith.

Rank: E

Wolf Claws: 0/5, Wolf Pelt: 0/10

Rewards: 40 Coppers: 25% Exp

-Accept- ; -Decline-


_Quest: Collect the stalks of the herb [Blue Spirit Grass] and deliver it to the alchemy shop.

Rank: E

[Blue Spirit Grass]: 0/15

Rewards: 70 Coppers: 40% Exp

-Accept- ; -Decline-


This type of 10 quests were pinned on the board. This quests are repetitive and can be completed any no. of times. But a player can only complete a quest once. A player can accept 10 E rank quests at a time, 9 D rank, 8 C rank, and so on till only able to accept 1 Entity ranked quest.

Alchemy shop usually are more rich than other fields, hence their rewards are more generous. Likewise, a type of monster is easy to find than a specific herb, except for exotic monsters whose numbers are usually few to begin with. Anyway, these type of exotic monsters aren't present in this village dimension so there aren't any related quest.

Sunny accepted all the quests and began to walk towards the forest outside the farm. The group of 3 also accepted the quests and walked away.