22. Shopping again?! Set off to the Goblin Territory.

With sufficient money, Sunny went to the Cycadlike Treasure Chamber to make preparations for his journey into the Goblin Race Territory.

He spent 45 Gold Coins and upgraded all his equipment to level 20 at the same counter as last time. His wealth instantly dropped down to 138 Gold, 11 Silver and 70 Copper Coins.

He then went toward a counter where the receptionist was a Cat-Kin young lady. This particular counter sells all kinds of one-time use items. Some of which if used in a proper situation would bring ten times the items worth.

"Hello sir, how can I help you? nyaa~" The Cat-Kin girl greeted Sunny with a cheerful smile as he stood in front of her counter.

Sunny responded, "Can you show me one-time use [Wind Slicer Tokens] around the price of 80 Gold Coins?"

The Cat-Kin girl replied joyfully, "Right away, nyaa~" and swiped with a paper-weight size device on the desk a few times, just like the Wood Elf did last time Sunny came here. A holographic list appeared in front of the counter. There were a total of seven items in the list.

Sunny went through the list a few times and decided on one of them after some deliberation.

-[Wind Slicer Token]-C (One-Time Use)

Effect: Upon activation releases a highly concentrated and thin wind elemental mana blade which is capable of fatal injuries to any being.

Effect Restriction: Level-20 to Level-25 up to C grade.

Activation Requirement: 2 Spirit Attribute (Recovers after five hours.)

Cost: 89 Gold Coins.

Sunny told his choice to the Cat-Kin girl. When she noticed what he choose she said in a slightly worried tone, "Are you sure, nyaa~? Your Spirit Attribute will decrease by 2 points, nyaa~ which will result in slowing down of your class specific regeneration which is Mana in your case. nyaa~"

Sunny nodded toward her and said, "Yes, I am sure."

The Cat-Kin girl nodded and proceeded to complete the transaction. She took out a light green colored hexagonal shaped toke from a shelf behind the counter and passed it to Sunny after he paid the price of 89 Gold Coins through the system.

Sunny kept it in the inventory after checking its attribute through the system and went toward a different counter.

"Please come again, nyaa~" The Cat-Kin girl said upon noticing him going towards other counter.

This time a handsome and tall young Human greeted Sunny. "How may I help you, Sir?"

Sunny: "I want some [Stealth Potion]. Ten to be exact."

The young man says, "Please wait a moment." and proceeded to take ten small vials of about eight cm in height filled with light gray liquid. "Your [Stealth Potion], sir."

Sunny saw that all ten vials have the same insignia of the Cycadlike Treasure Chamber meaning the potions are made by their alchemist. He proceeded to check one of them.

-[Stealth Potion]-Tier 1- ⁕

Effect: Upon consumption, able to conceal the user presence against any being below level-30-C. Effect decreases if the user is attacked or if any being enters twenty-five meters range from the user.

Duration: 3 hours.

Cost: 1 Gold Coin.

Tier 1 potion are those that can be used against or by any being below level 50. The potions are further graded according to their quality. One Star (⁕) being the lowest quality, while Five Stars (⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕) being the highest quality.

⁕ - Only effective on C grade beings or below.

⁕⁕ - Only effective on A grade beings or below.

⁕⁕⁕ - Only effective on S grade beings or below.

⁕⁕⁕⁕ - Only effective on SS grade beings or below.

⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕ - Only effective on SSS grade beings or below.

According to Sunny's future knowledge, there weren't any potions with higher quality than five stars discovered.

He nodded seeing the details and said to the young man, "Thank you."

The young male NPC responded: "Your welcome, sir. Please come again."

Sunny turned around and stepped towards the entrance intending to leave now that he bought everything he needs for his coming adventure.

Then he spent the rest of the day in the Newbie Training Grounds fighting against monsters he can come across on the way to his destination.

Players won't dare to go into another race territory this early anyway. So, anyone else finding his desired item is out of the picture. In his previous life, the item was discovered on 8th June, 2300.

Highest level player at this time is still at level 16 now according to the posts Sunny had seen in the VR Forum when he was checking it on his way back to the city. While elite players are at level 15 or 16. And players priority now is to reach level 20 and get an advance class.

Before entering he made a live virtual meet room through Aurora in the VR Forum and posted a copper rank post spending 100 ⨄⨭.

⁑ Chaos 273: "I have a location near Indraprastha City which is good levelling place up to level 20. Join the virtual meet room with the following link: [qttps://*******/]

PS: Room will only stay open for 10 minutes. Hurry up!!!"

More than 2000 people joined the meet in just few seconds. Most joined just to spectate. When anyone entered the meet, all got the same notification from Aurora.

[This meet doesn't allows voice or video messages from everyone except the host 'Chaos 273'. The host set a default message for every participant:

"Hello! I am kind of busy now. So, we will wrap it up quickly. Every participant is only allowed to send one message. If you used your one message slot, then you will only be a spectator in here.

"Now, if you want the location and method to easily get to level 20 use your one message slot and type an amount you are willing to pay. IRL currency, of course.

"The highest bidder will get a private message from me containing the information. Don't worry about me scamming anyone. I want to make more money selling different types of information.

"The highest bidder will receive the information after meet is closed. I will post the name of the highest bidder and the proof that I sent the information shortly after.

"Now, let's start."]

After ten minutes, Sunny got a notification from Aurora informing him about the highest bid and the bidder. Sunny quickly sent a friend request to the person. The person's username being Raj_Shah_7125 from the A-Class Guild 'Hunt the Pandas' who bid the amount of 15,000 ⨄⨭.

Raj accepted his request and Sunny quickly sent him a contract regarding the deal with Aurora as the enforcer. Any contract signed within the game is valid and approved by UG as long as Aurora is present as witness and enforcer.

They completed the deal in a few minutes. Raj got the information about the rocky region and the region residents peculiarities. Sunny got his money.

Just as he had stated, Sunny also posted the proof of their deal in the main forum page. After that he exited the forum and no longer paid attention to any discussion going on in the VR Forum and entered the NTG's training hall.


Next day Sunny logged in at 11:00 Am as usual and appeared in the Central Plaza. Avoiding the bustling crowd of players he exited the Indraprastha City from the South City Gate.

Hardly any players were going in the south direction. Those who were going were only going to scout, exploration, etc. and they probably won't be going into the Goblin Race territory.

There is a forest at the south of the Indraprastha City, from where the Goblin Race territory starts. It is known as Gob-Smuch forest and it spans about forty-three km across the border.

There are multiple outposts stationed at the border with intention to stall and inform the city in case of an attack. The Military Section also have a separate gate for themselves to provide quick reinforcement. Each outpost is at five km distance from each other for a total of eight outpost.

One had to travel seven km from the South City Gate to reach the Gob-Smuch forest. The space in-between is dry wilderness full of monsters.

At the eastern end of the forest which is about seventeen km away from the South City Gate there is a mountain range which is difficult to traverse for both races.

Sunny's destination is exactly this Mahayana Mountain range. He gulped down one vial of [Stealth Potion] and set out in the direction of Mahayana Mountain range. He took about one hour and thirteen minutes to traverse the seventeen km distance.

If he went at normal walking speed, the journey would have taken only a little more than twenty minutes. But due to presence of monsters and as he didn't want to be within twenty-five meters of any monsters, he took many detours which delayed him.

The peaks are short in height where the mountains and forest meet. This made the place somewhat suitable to traverse. Therefore, both races had set up a small base near to this place, mostly for scouting purpose only as if any of the race tried to cross the border from here other side will easily notice.

The Goblins had their base somewhere among the mountains. The Goblins present in this base are those that are sentenced here as punishment for various crimes by the Goblin Council. The strongest Goblin in the base is level 20 and he has the Heavy Axe Warrior Class which is an A grade class. The goblin is currently only C grade.