25. The Ceremony.

The Auto-Auction House was located on the same street as the Cycadlike Treasure Chamber some distance away.

The Auto-Auction House was a spherical-shaped building, housing one big auditorium with the capacity of ten-thousand participants at a time.

Upon entering the auditorium, Sunny took a random seat and requested Aurora, "Please enable the private function, Aurora."

"That would cost 10 Silver. Are you sure you want to proceed?"

Sunny answered, "Yes." and a light screen covered his seat, obstructing any kind of prying methods.

Sunny first put all the herbs in the auction with the initial price less than the market price by 10% and set the time limit of one hour. Market price can be easily found in VR Forum by searching for a bit. Many players post lots of useful and useless stuff in the forum.

After the herbs matter was taken care of, Sunny put all the one-time-use ability tokens such as [Cross Power-Slash], [Muddy Ground], [Flash Charge], etc. on auction with the starting price as 50 Gold Coins each and a time limit of 6 hours.

These tokens were put on auction anonymously, unlike the herbs where everyone can see the seller's name.

Just four class tokens were left in his inventory. [Snow Wolf Summoner], [Golden-Bat Warrior], [Night Thief], and [Shadow Archer] were the four class tokens he got from Gobuta's secret treasure stash.

These tokens were also auctioned with the starting price of 200 Gold Coins for each of them. There was no time limit, but if anyone didn't bid for one hour on a token then it will be sold. Anonymously of course.

Done with the auction items, Sunny got up from his seat exited the Auto-Auction House. Now that everything's settled down, it's time for Class Advancement Ceremony.

The Class Advancement Ceremony was held at the various Class Buildings located in the Noble Sector. The Mage Building is a three-story pagoda where all the matters related from E grade to A grade are handled on the first floor.

The S and SS grade matters are handled on the second floor while the third floor only deals with SSS grade matters. But, all the players who came for Class Advancement Ceremony for the first time would have to visit the Advancement room on the first floor.

Sunny took some seconds to admire the building's magnificence. It was emitting a certain aura that would evoke emotions like admiration, reverence, pride, etc. among any Mage. Sunny was no exception.

After a few moments, he snapped out of his daze, and just as he was about to head inside, he noticed two players passing by from the corner of his eye.

Alekzi and Entrail, are famous pairs. Sunny had read posts about them in the Forum. Both of them were players with S grade class [Fist Martial Master] and [Quick Sword Master] respectively. They are humble, modest, and extremely rich.

Sunny turned his attention back to the Mage Building and entered inside. Apart from the dome-shaped Advancement room located at the center, there was numerous reception counter surrounding it. But, there wasn't any receptionist present to help the players. Instead, a ball of soft white light was floating behind every reception counter.

If one wanted to go to the second floor or they have any queries, they can ask the light balls for help. The light balls are just for decoration. The one who is helping the players is Aurora.

Sunny went and asked one such light ball, "Hello, I want to undergo Class Advancement Ceremony. And this is my first advancement."

Aurora's voice came from the light ball as it pulsated slightly, "Please place your hands on the light ball. You will be transported inside the Advancement room quickly."

Sunny did as told and placed both his hands on the light ball. His vision blurred for a moment like he was being moved at extremely high speed. As his vision started clearing, he found himself in a dome-shaped room with just a female sculpture at the center that was shrouded in mist which obscured any details of the sculpture.

As for why Sunny felt the sculpture belonged to a female being? He just knew it the moment his eyes lay on the sculpture. An instinctive feeling maybe, who knows?

A beam of blue light came from where the eyes of the sculpture should be and scanned Sunny from top to bottom. The light beam receded just as quickly it came a short moment later.

Meanwhile, a notification window appeared in front of Sunny's eyes.

__Player Chaos 273 is ready for Class Advancement Ceremony.__

__Detected that player owns a Class Advancement Token. Would you like to use it?__

_ Yes / No _

Sunny clicked on yes without much thinking.

__Class Advancement Ceremony will now start. Brace yourself.__

__All equipment or items on the player's body will be stored in the player's inventory during the ceremony.__

All of a sudden, Sunny was left with nothing but a plain white T-shirt and knee-length short pants.

__Player Chaos 273 is bestowed with the ability to wield [Inferno], [Thunder], and [Space] element according to the effect of [Inferno-Thunder-Space Mage Token]-SSS.__

__Player Chaos 273 will be free from secondary elements restriction.__

__Player Chaos 273 will start directly from C grade due to the effect of [Inferno-Thunder-Space Mage Token]-SSS. C grade bonus: +10 Free Points every level.__

__Player Chaos 273 will start directly from C grade due to the effect of [Inferno-Thunder-Space Mage Token]-SSS. Grade achievement bonus: +10 for E grade: +20 for D grade; +30 for C grade.__

__Player Chaos 273 had not chosen any skill upon reaching level 20. Do you want to choose a skill now? You will have three options. A skill from each of your elements will be present.__

_ Yes / No _

Sunny again choose yes. He had not chosen one when he reached level 20 because he knew this will happen. If he chooses no now, then at level 30 he would have the chance to choose two skills from six choices.

__Please choose a skill from the following three choices.__

1. *Small Inferno Wave*-C1

With the user as the vertex, a wave of Inferno element will be sprayed in a cone shape of height 10 meters and radius 3 meters and deal devastating damage to any enemy in the area of effect.

Magic attack damage: +700%.

Magic attack damage upon critical hit: +1200%

50% Chance to inflict Burn status. -100 HP per second.

Cost: 400 MP.

Duration: 15 sec.

Cooldown: 5 minutes.

2. *Thunder Arrow*-C1

Fires an arrow condensed from the Thunder element at the speed of thunder. The environment may affect the speed of the arrow.

Magic attack damage: +1250%.

Magic attack damage upon critical hit: +1800%.

Cost: 250 MP.

Range: 75 meters.

Cooldown: 1 minute and 40 seconds.

3. *Blink*-C1

Users can teleport themselves or any single ally within a certain range instantly.

Cast Range: 3 meters.

Blink Range: 25 meters.

Cost: 250-400 MP. (Note: Cost increases by 50 for every meter from the user.)

Cooldown: 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

Sunny chose *Small Inferno Wave* after deliberating for about 15 minutes. There wasn't any time restraint anyway. Even if someone came for the Class Advancement Ceremony during his ceremony, they will be sent to a similar separate space for their ceremony.

'I can get *Thunder Arrow* and *Blink* from the dungeons near Orland City and Brampton City later. But, the AOE skill *Small Inferno Wave* will be needed for my next task.' Sunny thought in his mind and just after that two notifications appeared.

__Player Chaos 273 is now an Inferno-Thunder-Space Mage. Player Chaos 273 is now bestowed with three additional class talents.

1. Inferno element skills will have their cooldown reduced by 5%.

2. Thunder element skills will have a 0.5% chance to deal true damage.

3. Space element skills will have their range increased by 5%.__

__The Class Advancement Ceremony is now complete, player Chaos 273. You can choose to exit the Advancement any time.__

Sunny then checked his status. After going through his status, he chooses to dump 30 FP into Int, 11 into Agi, and 3 FP into Str, Vit, and End each. He then checked his status again.


_Name: Chaos 273_

_Race: Human_

_Level: 20 / Exp: 157%_

_Class: Inferno-Thunder-Space Mage_

_Affinity: Inferno element, Thunder element, and Space element._

_Grade: C._

_HP: 100% [560] (1% regeneration per min.) / Fatigue: 0_

_Mana: 100% [1815] (Total SA per second)_

_Strength: 28 / Agility: 57 / Endurance: 28 / Vitality: 28 / Intelligence: 139_

_Free Points: 20_

_Spirit Aptitude: 50_

_Class talent: 1. +5% Mana regeneration per second.

2. Inferno element skills will have their cooldown reduced by 5%.

3. Thunder element skills will have a 0.5% chance to deal true damage.

4. Space element skills will have their range increased by 5%._

_Skills: 1. Mana Bolt-E5 / 2. Mana Shield-E3 / 3. Mana Chain-E6 / 4. Small Inferno Wave-C1

_Skill Points: 2_

_Equipment: N/A_


Pretty satisfied with his status board, Sunny equipped his equipment and watched as his status showed a significant boost in his strength. He then thought about exiting the Advancement room.

After going through the same experience of moving at high speed, he found himself inside the Mage Building in front of a reception on the first floor.


@The_Crab Thank You Very Much for gifting this book a .

@GRE3D Thank You Very Much for gifting this book a .

@The_Crab Thank You Very Much for the precious ×9.

@TKreeperHunter Thank You Very Much for the precious ×1.