32. A Meeting with the Mysterious Fire Sword.

Sunny swiped the Quest Interface away and nodded to Hua Chen. He then proceeded to empty every ore present in his inventory in the open space beside the furnace.

He then said to Hua Chen, "Take a look and see what ores you will require from this stash. I will try to find the others quickly."

Hua Chen went forward to check the materials. He threw aside what he didn't need and kept all the required ore on the table with the black-hexagonal item core.

"Hmm… Everything I need is already available here. There is only one ore piece missing. But, I have that one in my house. You can go now. Come tomorrow and your item will be ready." Hua Chen then threw Sunny out of the smithy.

Sunny stood in front of the smithy door for a few moments. Then, he opened the VR Forum and sent a message to Sword Genius.

//I have completed my class advancement. I want to talk about joining your guild. Where are you in Xia Ember City?//

He then roamed around the city for sightseeing while waiting for Sword Genius's reply. 15 minutes later, she replied with, //I will be in the city in 10 minutes. Are you in Xia Ember City?//

Sunny replied with yes and continued wandering around. Apart from the noble family house, army camp, and City Lord's house, a player can visit any part of the city. He also chatted with Sword Genius from time to time.

Sword Genius: //We can book a room in an inn for the meeting. Is that alright with you?//

Sunny: //Good enough. Can Mysterious Shadow and Fire Saintess come as well?//

Sword Genius: //What do you need them for? You know they are in other cities. 1000 Gold Coins a round trip is not a joke.//

Sunny: //If the meeting didn't go well, I would tell you a method to earn around 10,000 Gold Coins. Can you ask them to come?//

Sword Genius: //…

Okay, I will ask them.//

Sword Genius: //They agreed. Come to the inn 'The Burrow' in 15 minutes.//

Sunny: //Sure.//

15 min later, Sunny arrived at the door of the inn 'The Burrow'. He went inside and was greeted with a bustling dining hall. He was just looking around when a girl came beside him and said, "Miss Sword is expecting you in room no. 105, Mr. Chaos."

Sunny looked toward her and said upon recognizing her, "After you, miss Ming."

Qin Ming nodded and walked toward the stairs. She escorted Sunny in front of a room labeled '105' on the first floor and said, "Miss Sword, Miss Shadow, and Miss Fire are waiting inside." and then she proceeded to stand beside the door.

Sunny knocked on the door lightly. "Come in" Sword Genius's voice came from inside. He opened the door and went inside.

Sword Genius, Mysterious Shadow, and Fire Saintess. All three were sitting on a round table in the center of the room. Apart from the table, only a bed and wardrobe were in the room.

Sunny went towards them, grabbed the empty fourth chair, and sat down while saying, "Pardon my intrusion."

"You are pardoned." The girl with crimson red hair replied coolly.

Sword Genius sent her a glare before turning to Sunny and asked, "So, what do you want to talk about that requires all three of us to be present?"

Sunny returned her question with another, "Before we proceed, you guys do know about the Blood-Tears Contract, right?"

They should know. After all, Sunny had added the information about it in the 500⨄⨭ post.

He continued seeing them nodding in affirmation, "I want three of you to sign a Blood-Tears Contract with me. Anything discussed here shall not be known to any fifth person. And the contract will be valid for 6 months. Violators will have their highest attribute and class specific attribute reduced by 95% for 6 months."

The three girls sucked in a cold breath of air after hearing the penalty. Crippling the violator for 6 months is a really harsh penalty.

They looked at each other for a few minutes before turning back to Sunny. They were using a party-chat function where party members can send messages to each other with just a thought.

'Probably using the party-chat function. Hmm… Looks like I would have to add some clause in the contract to prevent them from sharing anything through some loopholes. I absolutely can't have them share what I am about to say. Ugh… Great! Now I have to learn some things about contracts too.' Sunny thought to himself inwardly while keeping a poker face outside.

"We can sign the contract." Sword Genius said to him and he nodded.

He took a beast skin paper that he bought the day before yesterday and started drafting the contract in front of them with the ink from a small bottle filled with blood-red colored liquid.

5 minutes later, Sunny signed the contract after the three had signed it. Similar to last time, the contract floated up and disintegrated into light particles.

The four of them received a notification at the same time. It just stated that the Blood-Tears Contract has taken effect and will be effective for 180 days from now on.

"So, can you cough up the reason for such meticulous preparation?" Fire Saintess asked jokingly.

Sunny didn't take it seriously and said, "I will start coughing then." Fire giggled lightly while he continued speaking, "I am an S-grade Inferno-Thunder-Space Mage."

Fire's giggle stifled, while Sword and Shadow's eyes opened wide in shock and disbelief. Fire Saintess Sprang up from her chair and said agitatedly, "S-Grade Class?! This early?! Are you joking?"

Sunny calmly replied, "No, I am not. I am serious. I am indeed an S-grade Class holder. Right now, I am at C-grade. Furthermore, my class has the potential to reach SSS-grade. After all, I am the one who achieved the first SSS-grade achievement."

This time Sword Genius and Mysterious Shadow also stood up in shock.


@The_Crab Thank You Very Much for the ×1.


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