72. Mi and Ace.

⁑⁑⁑ Liu Shin from SLC: The newly established guild {Mysterious Fire Sword} is our life and death enemy. Those who join them would face our wrath - The Starry Liu Clan - A-Class.

⁑⁑⁑ Royal Rajiv from RR: The newly… would face our wrath - The Rathore Royals - A-Class.

⁑⁑⁑ Yamada Tobi from YL: The newly… would face our wrath - The Yamada Lords - A-Class.

The three nemesis guilds of Sword, Shadow, and Fire, all posted a threat and warning to stop players from joining their guild.

The enmity between them was not that much known among the players.

Most Players only knew that a trio of goddesses called 'Mysterious Fire Sword' had dominated a second-rate VRGame before.

After all, who would bother to care about some loser guilds?

So, after these threa- warnings popped up one after another, many players looked into the history between both parties.

Various posts began to pop up in the Forum.