Zeus Dimitri Curaraton

Zeus's POV

After that incident earlier at the President's Office, I escaped from the school. Kenneth's attitude was too much for me to bear. If only I could catch a peek of his frailty, I'm confident I'd be able to blow him away.

Such a bummer.

Tonight, the city comes alive with lights that reflect the stars in the sky.

It was a city with broad avenues and tiny spots to sit and eat, to unwind while people went about their daily lives. The sky skyscrapers in the center took up less ground area than an old shopping mall, and what was previously thousands of residences now took up less ground space than an old retail mall. The remainder was parks and wild places, where one could go for a walk amid the trees or ride their bike along the routes.

But... walking through this lively boulevard always made me feel dead. All of these things do not make me feel slightly happy at all. Well of course, who would imagine this is called happiness?

When I passed by a certain street, I saw a bunch of high schoolers enjoying some drinks. And based on their uniforms, I believe they attended another private school.

Sigh. It's not like they're always fortunate in there too, right?

Lucky them. They have the opportunity to live their lives to the fullest. They don't have to worry about stuffing themselves. They don't have to be concerned about wasting money. They don't have to worry about this unfair world. They are quite fortunate. They don't need to worry about anything else.

Because they are in high school, some of them might be still minors. But the thing is... it's already beyond midnight. Do they have homes or not? What a bunch of freaks. And a minor at age drinking? What the heck?

Well, they don't have to worry about their parents worrying about them, do they? Hmm. Who knows. If they're thinking that way... what a bunch of lunatics.

Fine, yeah they looked so happy. Why do I care? Let them live their own lives. Goddammit.

I became so irritated by these never-ending beating a dead horse of mine so I trekked down to a neighboring calm place just to get out of that zone. It's kind of annoying out there that I suddenly wanted to punch a wall.

In every lively city, there would always be a quiet area at the end of the road. That's where I went... to this dark, quiet, yet peaceful neighborhood.

While strolling around, I observed that this sensation always provides me with peace of mind. "As what I've thought, this is what it's always been," I grinned sarcastically as I remembered why I was here.

Let's see. Let's look for a comfortable-looking house.

As I've thought... Well, in the end... I can't choose one.

Seemed like all of the residences in this neighborhood appeared to be spectacular and nice. Even though there aren't enough lights, I'd say these dwellings exceeded my expectations. It's understandable given that this is my first visit.

The other residences I'd seen on earlier strolls weren't horrible, but they weren't great either. This one is brand new to me. Now that I think about it, the bulk of the houses in this neighborhood are heritage houses. Well, I don't care. I'll be able to finish my task as long as I can stick to one.

Since I couldn't choose a house because all of them were extremely remarkable in my sight, I came to a halt in front of this one. Good thing there was also a sign here indicating "Room for rent." So I guess they're still accepting tenants, right?

Most of the homes I've visited do not have doorbells. So I only have to knock a few times to reach the proprietors. I'm sure they'd throw open their gate to me.

"Is anyone out---" I couldn't complete my last word when I was being pulled by a force of hand.

"What the heck you doin' out here, huh? You thief?" said the thug who grabbed me.

Behind him stood two persons; one scumbag and one dumbass. The scumbag has a spiky and jagged hairstyle. Meanwhile, the side of this dumbass's head was so clear as the road. His hair resembled an old broom that no longer worked. And this thug imbecile I'm facing right now surely knows how to bald himself.

Now, tell me who has the thief-looks here?

Are they looking for some trouble? Isn't it strange how they're looking for me? They certainly know how to cause havoc, eh?

I couldn't help but just smirk in disgust. They're not worth a punching bag to me yet here they are, flaunting their terrible hairdo.

"Hey, look at this asshole. He's smi---"

"Wait, guys. He looks like that one teenage boxer. What was his name again?"

Their topic piqued my intention. Now, now. I don't like where's this going.

"Oh? You mean Zeus Dimitri? What? You're kidding, right? This asshole looks like a whimp. He's nothing compared to Zeus."

Earlier, I smirked in disinterest but right now seemed to be not the case anymore. I feel like there's something beneath me that wanted to be dug up. I don't want to hear a single word from these fuckers anymore.

"And besides, Zeus has already vanished 2 years ago. I bet he won't be on the ring again."

"You fucker!" Without knowing, I threw a jab directly towards the thug's face.

As he lose his balance, I gave in another punch in his guts. Before he could go back to his feet, I was about to hit his vital spots...

"What's your problem, son of a bitch!"

...but these annoying scumbag and dumbass cockroaches attacked me with their weak punches.

Twisting my foot counterclockwise, I positioned to let the strength of my leg roll up to my abdomen. To my abdomen until it gave in to my biceps. Lastly, from my biceps to my fists. Gathering most of my energy and stretching out my arm towards my target, I knocked the scumbag and the dumbass with a single punch. I jabbed their vital striking spots which are their noses.

The two were left on the ground, unconscious. The thug bald didn't receive much of my stance so he better get out of my sight otherwise I will really kill him with my fists. I am more pissed of him than these cockroaches.

After knocking them down, I was neither delighted nor relieved rather, I was disturbed.

"Y-You," the bald thug spoke, staggering.

I didn't turn my eyes on him. I'd rather not catch eye contact or else I'm gonna gauge his eyes.

"Are you really Zeus? Tell me! Are you really Zeus?"

Fuck. What a pain in the ass. I'd rather not answer him but... this just aches my heart. "What's it to you?"

"I am a supporter! That sharp jab you threw..." He said in a low-tone calm voice. "...that was the lightni---"

"The Zeus you knew... the Zeus you saw on-screen fighting with some hopeless retards... the Zeus you used to support has been long gone. You said it yourself... Now, get lost," I clenched my fists as I gritted my teeth.

This feeling... I feel so pathetic.. annoyed... and exasperated. I feel like I'm about to puke. One more word from him. I'm going to throw a jab on his face. This time, more power.

"Hey! What's going on here?" After opening their gate, an elderly lady from the residence yelled. Fortunately, no one saw us from the fight earlier, or I would have gotten myself into a lot of trouble. Now, she appears to be the owner of this house.

"You!" The old lady referred to me, "What happened?"

Looking around, there were no traces left from the three. I couldn't see their body or their shadows. Perhaps the thug baldie hauled the two away before this old lady could apprehend them.

What happened earlier... it's better to forget it than grieve with it even more. That was part of the special reasons why I don't want to show myself in the public... it's really making me feel aggrieved.

Now, all I have to do is deal with this old lady who has a face mask on her face. "Nothing, I was just searching for some rooms to rent. And I happened to see yours so---"

"Oh! You're welcome, dear! You're so welcome in here! You wanna rent? Let's go inside! Let me take you in! How much money you've got there?" She seemed excited. Well, not bad.

I don't have anything with me nor do I have money. And, moreover, I'm just here for a day. I don't want to remain any longer for some reason. Basically, I'm just going to be their guest.

In every bustling metropolis, there would always be a peaceful spot at the end of the road. And in every quiet and comfortable street, there would always be a space for a homeless, forlorn individual... like me.