The Room

Delana's POV

A tiny gasp escaped my lips at the question and confusion flashed across my features as I ransacked my brain to come up with a good answer. But then he spoke again, his eyes narrowed slightly at me.

"What's your aim in this nightclub?" He asks, folding his arms and leaning forward.

" save up some money...sir. And thank you for giving me a lift." I answered, biting down my lips nervously.

"It's okay. You should try to be more careful next time. That place is more dangerous than you think." He said, resting backwards to watch me with curious eyes, as if he was trying to read my thoughts.

I glanced at the table shyly before speaking again. "The cab I down. I wanted to get another one." I explained.

"I see. And why didn't the driver help you get another one?" He asked.

"I'm not sure about that sir…"

"It's alright. At least you got one at last." He smirked and I nodded, not knowing what to say or why I was even here in the first place. I looked around the room, there was a painting of a naked girl on the wall and I blushed, looking away from it to see the boss staring intently at me.

"When exactly were you hired by Daniel?" He asked again and I cleared my throat at the attention before answering.

"Um...that was...two weeks ago sir."

"Ok. And tell me why you can't stop looking at me?"

"Sir?!" My blood ran cold and my cheeks flushed deep red at his question. My words left my throat and the boss smirked at my reaction.

"Just like now, you've staring at me and avoiding my eyes. Do you find me that attractive, hm? Do you?" He asks with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"I'm...not-sir. I it's not like you are ugly sir. It's just that... are staring at me that's why…" I stuttered over my words, waving my hand at him as if trying to explain my outburst of utter rubbish. My cheeks burned with embarrassment and I wished the floor would open up to swallow me.

A part of me was also scared that he would fire me, but when a playful smile curled his lips, I relaxed. He looked beautiful when he smiled genuinely, I observed, avoiding his gaze once more.

"I stare at you because you stare at me." He said to me, a dark gleam filling those eyes as he ran them down my body. I folded my hands in front of me shyly.

"Anyway." He laughed, resting against the chair and raising a glass of wine to his lips.

"Let's forget about that for now. As for your response concerning your aim here, it means you are okay getting more if an opportunity arises, right? I mean money. If you see an opportunity to make more money here, would you take it?"

I nodded vigorously, his eyes narrowed before waving his hand at me dismissively.

"Good! You may leave for now."

"Thank you, sir." I bowed before leaving the room. I shut the door quietly and rested my back against it, taking In A deep breath to calm my raging nerves.

As I walked back to room nine to continue attending to the guests, a part of me wondered about what was going on in the boss's mind. What had he asked me those questions and what were his plans?

I was unable to come up with anything as I poked the door and stood just beside the table, waiting for an order from any of the men.

The door opened a few minutes later and the boss walked in, glancing briefly at me as the manager rushed to his side.

"...Do you like her boss? Do you want me to get her for you?" I heard the manager whisper at the boss.

"...Pour me more!" An order came from one of the men snapping me out of my eavesdropping.

"Yes...sir." I quickly responded to the man, picking a bottle of champagne and pouring it's contents into a cup he held to me.

Get her for you? I sounded like an object to be bought and sold on a rack. How could the manager ask such a question?

I dropped the bottle of champagne and stood at the corner of the room, watching the manager attend to every need of the boss. It was surprising how he acted so low to please the boss who barely paid him any mind.

As I waited for any order my mind wandered to why I was here in the first place. I needed money to stand on my own and this had been the only part time job that wouldn't clash with my studies.

It saddened me that I was serving other people for a little cash but there was nothing I could do about it. I needed the money however I got it.

"Not that kind of likeness. Just leave her for now." I heard the boss say in response to the question the manager had asked earlier and a wave of relief washed through me.

"Yes, boss."

"She has what it takes to work here though. You did well once again Daniel." The boss smiled, raising his glass to his lips and he glanced at me. I quickly avoided his gaze.

"Thank you, boss." Daniel answered, a proud smile on his face.

"Did you get those things ready for me? Because I don't want to hear any excuses again!"

"They are all ready, boss. I've even informed Benjamin to go check them." Daniel answered, and the boss relaxed, twirling the drink in his cup.

I had no clue on what they spoke about, but my curiosity made me keep listening to their conversation despite the loud music thumping through the wall and the chatter going on in the room.

"Good! You know what would have happened to you if you didn't!" I felt the boss's stare linger on me for a second and the hair at the back of my neck stood.

"Tell Benjamin to get my room ready, I'm coming in soon." My boss said before picking up the telephone on the stool beside him and dialed someone's number.

It was another ten minutes before he ended the call, dropping the phone beside him and glancing in my direction as he rose to his feet coming to stand beside me.

I didn't turn to look, my heart thumped loudly in my chest at the attention and sweat clouded my forehead. I felt his gaze run down my body before he finally stepped away and left the room without another word.

I let out the deep breath I was holding in and rested my palm on my chest as if to stop my heart from thumping loudly in my chest.

Why did he do that? I imagined he was probably drunk or something but like all the questions running through my mind all night, I had no answer.


"Yes sir." I turned to the manager who had walked back into the room and urged me to come to him. We left the room and talked for a little while which was weird considering our conversation was made up of orders. He had a satisfied smile on his face.

"Go to the boss's suite and serve him well. You understand what I mean, right?" He asked, placing a hand on my shoulder, a smirk curled his lips and I furrowed my brows curiously.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't understand."

And his smirk fell, as air changed around us and I stepped backwards, letting his hand fall. I figured he was probably drunk with mood swings but I couldn't be wrong as a frown filled his face, his eyes glaring daggers at me.

"What do you mean you don't understand, Delana? What exactly do you not understand?! Are you a baby to be confused about going into our boss's suite to serve him well for the night?! I see you are tired of your job!" He yelled, tucking his sleeves.

I tightened my grip on the tray I held as I tried to process what my manager was saying. He folded his arms and waited for my response.

"I'm sorry...sir. I-I..."

"Just shut the fu¢k up and get on with your job!" The manager yelled again.

I could feel that anger radiating off him. He didn't stop glaring at me. And then he spoke again. "Go to that last floor, and to the single suite you were asked to take those floppy sleepers to. That's where our boss is!"

"Yes...sir." The manager left me right in the lobby and I took in a rush of air.

"What does Mr. Daniel mean by that? Am I really serving him that way or something else?... I won't do anything that I wouldn't want to do with any man! If...just if it ever came to that, I'll just quit!" I spoke confidently, building up courage as I went to the elevator and pressed the button for the last floor.

My knees started to grow weak, my palms sweaty as I moved higher up the building. My heart thumped loudly in my chest, threatening to jump out as I worried for the fate that awaited me in the boss suite. I tried to think past it and at the homework I had from Physics class today but my mind wandered back to my fate.

"You can do this Delana! Yes, you can! He's just the boss, nothing else, right?" I said to myself, slapping my hand on my face as if to wiggle away all bad thoughts.

The elevator stopped and I walked out slowly and in the direction of the boss's suite. It was the best amongst all the others in that nightclub. The first time I entered to clean it, I couldn't believe how beautiful it was with a king sized bed and expensive couches and a huge TV mounted on the wall.

My hands shook as I reached for the doorbell, pressing it a little too hard as I shivered nervously.

The door opened immediately and I stepped back instantly, but no one was behind it. It must have opened automatically, I thought as I stepped closer to it, peeping into the room.

"Why are you coming in just now?" I heard a familiar deep voice from the room.

My boss was sitting on his couch leisurely while another man was standing in front of him. That man was putting on a black suit, his hair was styled to the back, and was probably a few years older than me.

My boss brought the wine bottle to his lips, gulping down it's contents and ignoring the cup on the table.

"Why are you coming in late? Didn't Daniel tell you how I hate lateness?" He roared, dropping the bottle carelessly on the table as I stepped back to avoid his wrath.

His shirt was opened,exposing his tan skin and six packs. I blushed a little, tearing my gaze away and forcing myself to speak.

"I-I... um...sir, I'm sorry. I…" I stuttered, gulping down the fear that had settled in my throat.

"There's no need for you to bite your tongue. Since you didn't know, I'll have to tell you." He said, snatching the bottle again and shifting uncomfortably. "If you want to continue working here, you must make sure not to come in late again. I'm sure I've made myself clear!"

"Y-yes, sir." I answered quickly, not wanting to anger him any further than he was right now. The other man shifted a little away from the boss also as if fearing to be caught in his waves of anger.

"Good!" He said, dropping the bottle before turning to me, and I could have sworn something flashed in his eyes before I could catch it.


Hello, my dear readers. Thank you all for reading to this part. If you would like to read more of this story, you can search for it on 'Novelcat platform.' I have more updated chapters there.

Thank you all.