The Wolf doesn't need directions (NSFW)

Xiao Zai went completely still. "What did you say?"

Chu Yun let out a put-upon sigh, as if Xiao Zai was being difficult on purpose. He dragged Xiao Zai's hand towards his underclothes, but undid the fastenings himself.

"Do you need directions?" He whispered the words against Xiao Zai's cheek, his tone mocking.

Xiao Zai's eyes were glued to his hard cock, jutting proudly from between that neat thatch of pubic hair. He had seen it before during that ill-advised "sword" measuring contest, but the circumstances where different now.

Now he felt as if Chu Yun's sinuous movements were inviting him to touch his fill. 

He heard a sigh, and then Chu Yun dragged Xiao Zai's hand towards his hard cock, closing his own fingers over Xiao Zai's so that he would finally grip him inside his fist.