The Wolf doesn't want any part in this

Xiao Zai could think of several things he wanted to do more than entertain his brother, especially if he was drunk.

Chu Yun ignored his stiffness and kept dragging him towards the table Xiao Yuan had taken over with his concubine, and...that man.

He grinned as soon as he saw Xiao Zai, raising his cup to him in a mockery of a toast. "Brother! To what do we how the honour?"

Xiao Zai sat down, following Chu Yun's lead, but said nothing.

Chu Yun took the pitcher and filled Xiao Yuan's cup, holding up his fan with his other hand. "I'm so sorry that I didn't get to deliver brother-in-law's invitation in person. I truly never expected that so many people would come" He put down the pitcher and sighed. "To tell the truth I was hoping that we could invite brother-in-law for a more intimate family gathering."

Xiao Zai straightened his back. For some reason, the way Chu Yun said those words sounded almost suggestive, as if he was implying something lurid.