The Wolf accompanies the Fox on a social call

Xiao Zai knew, the moment Chu Yun's shadow fell over the plot of land he had been working on that his peace and quiet was over.

"The Minister of Works has invited us for supper at his residence," Chu Yun announced, smugness radiating from him in waves. "Come with me to the main hall so we can make a scene about how much you don't want to go."

Xiao Zai wouldn't even have to try to act convincing -- he really didn't want to have a meal at the Minister of Work's estate.

"Must we?" he asked, through gritted teeth.

"No, I'm just fucking with you," Chu Yun said with wide grin. The next moment his face fell and he grit out, "of course we must! What do you think I've gone to all this trouble for? Now let's have a screaming match about it!"

With great consternation, Xiao Zai let the spade he was holding fall to the ground and stood up. "You know, I'm being very accommodating, but one day you're going to have to start making all this worth my while."