The Fox is offended, but the Wolf makes a promise

In the time it took Xiao Zai to return from his private meeting with the Minister, Chu Yun learned that "us", thankfully didn't mean all of the Minister spouses, and that he wasn't actually drawing a raffle to pawn one of them off to Xiao Zai.

Unfortunately, it did mean one of his "godchildren" was getting pawned off, and they were all foaming at the bit to be picked.

Chu Yun remained as quiet as possible, offering nothing while questions rained down on him, prompted by that first's omega's industriousness.

Finally, the doors to the little study opened, and Xiao Zai came out, looking absolutely furious. He cut Chu Yun a look that meant they weren't going to stay long.

Chu Yun got up from his seat, lifting one hand to his temple. "I'm sorry that I'll have to cut such a pleasant evening short, but I have a terrible headache."

Xiao Zai went to his side, supporting his back. "Thank you Minister Hu for the hospitality, but we'll be on our way now."