The Fox stumbles into a secret

Tan Ruo gave Chu Yun a confused look, Minister Song towering behind her, looked just as surprised.

"You want your...ah, brother to stay with us?" Tan Ruo repeated, eyeing the sulky Chu Hean warily.

"Just temporarily," Chu Yun clarified, "Until I can send a letter to my parents and inform them of his presence here."

Chu Hean made no comment, his gaze fixed stubbornly on his feet. 

Chu Yun's goal with having him stay with Tan Ruo and her wife was twofold:

First, he didn't want Chu Hean and Xiao Zai in the same space, afraid that it would bring about bad memories, for both of them.

Second, he hoped that by spending time in the company of a well-mannered, polite and respectful alpha, such as Tan Ruo, Chu Hean would feel a little better about the prospects of marrying one.

He did, however, realise he was asking for a lot.