The Wolf makes plans, the Fox becomes ill

They arrived at the Minister of Finance's estate before Chu Yun could follow his line of reasoning to its conclusion. 

For his part Xiao Zai liked the idea of adopting a child. He could almost imagine Chu Yun sternly correcting their sitting posture, their pronunciation, their childish calligraphy. It must have put an odd look on his face, because Chu Yun shot him a look and pulled on his sleeve.

"Don't smile so much. It worries me" he said, one of his sharp eyebrows climbing up his forehead in suspicion.

"About what?" Xiao Zai asked, taking Chu Yun's arm as they made their way towards the estate's gates.

"That you're imagining things that definitely won't come to pass."

Xiao Zai said only, "We'll see," which earned him an eye-roll and a huff.