The Fox has a bad feeling about all this

Chu Yun went very still, raising his folding fan to hide the lower half of his face, and his scowl along with it.

The King's oppressive presence seemed to make even the nearby candlesticks' flame flicker, as if a sudden gale had cooled the room by several degrees.

No one greeted him, as they should have in the presence of a monarch, but he didn't care, he was having too much fun examining their startled reactions.

He tilted his head towards Gu Wei, and smiled pleasantly, the wrinkles at the corners of his dark eyes deepening with fake affection. "Bailiu, always a sight for sore eyes. You look as lovely as on the day we married."

Chu Yun shot Gu Wei a look from the corner of his eye, he didn't think he had ever seen his usually composed father-in-law show so much emotion at once.