Xiao Zai could see the recrimination in Chu Yun's eyes. He was afraid Xiao Zai would use the pregnancy as an excuse to lord over him.
The tension making his muscles taut immediately drained away and he let out a wry chuckle. Chu Yun could be endearing even when he was being contrarian.
"You don't need to worry about that, I'm not going to forbid you from doing anything."
Chu Yun snorted. "As if I would let you."
That was true. Xiao Zai could scarcely wrestle a 'thank you', or a 'hello' out of Chu Yun. It was very unlikely that he could get Chu Yun to not do something he had put his mind to.
So, Chu Yun's worry wasn't so much that he'd be ordered about, but that Xiao Zai would become the kind of person who would expect obedience from him.
Xiao Zai observed him quietly, while Chu Yun shot him cagey looks from beneath his lashes. He had stopped at a safe distance from Xiao Zai, all the better to make a quick exit if things turned sour.