The Wolf is imprisoned

Sitting in a dank, dark cell in the palace's prison, Xiao Zai couldn't help marvelling at how something so banal, like going into Haolin's busy market streets to look at children toys and perhaps only daydream, perhaps buy something, could have led to his current situation.

When the palace guards surrounded him and told him he was under arrest for causing Xiao Yaun's concubine to miscarry, Xiao Zai had thought his brother had finally cottoned on on his desire to take the throne from under him.

Now, hours later, he knew this was all his father's doing.

That morning Xiao Zai had decided to visit the market at around the same time he usually visited his dam, and then went out with him to lunch. The King must have sent out his guards to search for him in the busiest streets.

It must have disappointed him to learn that Xiao Zai hadn't been arrested in front of Gu Wei. Xiao Zai was certain his father had been counting on it.