The Fox thinks payback is fairplay

It was a good thing the full moon was four days away, because Chu Yun's knees were in no condition of anything more strenuous than a brisk walk. Of course that didn't stop Xiao Zai from hounding him like a persistent child who'd been promised a trip to the market.

Wherever Chu Yun turned to there was Xiao Zai, ready to help make him more comfortable, apply salve to his injuries, bring him something to drink.

It got so annoying that Chu Yun had to threaten to rescind his offer of a treat to get him to back off.

"You are secretly pleased, don't lie," Hua Nanyi said, after witnessing the latest of these exchanges.

Chu Yun sat back down on his sofa and kicked his legs up over the armrest. "Of course, but I can't let him get too comfortable."