Xiao Zai knew the moment Chu Yun's exquisite eyebrows pitched downwards over his humid eyes that he was in trouble.
He was irresistible, and Xiao Zai would go to great lengths to keep him happy. Chu Yun's threat wasn't an empty one, he would leave Xiao Zai wanting if he kept annoying him.
But he couldn't help worrying that being rough with Chu Yun could hurt him, considering his unusual and delicate pregnancy. But seeing as Chu Yun reacted with extreme annoyance to any implication that he was anything but bursting with vitality and strength, Xiao Zai didn't know how to safely bring up the subject.
The rut also reduced him to pure instinct, and his instinct didn't want to waste time talking.
He lowered his lips against Chu Yun's in a vicious, biting kiss. It served the purpose of feeding his bloodlust and distracting Chu Yun from his displeasure.