The Fox makes the Wolf a (sexy) promise

Xiao Zai woke up the next day feeling more clear-headed. 

He doubted that Xiao Ziyi would be able to shed much light on their uncle's alleged treason, and on whether or not he'd had had a child. 

But, if she could point them in the right direction regarding Su's plans in Zui, and Chu Hean's involvement in the whole thing maybe they could use it to their advantage. Or at least avoid being blindsided in the future.

Chu Yun wanted them to go find Xiao Ziyi right away, and put up a fierce resistance to Xiao Zai's efforts to keep him in bed a little while longer.

Unlike Xiao Zai he was in a terrible mood because he'd spent all of yesterday eating bland food personally prepared by Hua Nanyi. Which according to him was 'awful', 'unfit even for animal consumption', and a 'punishment worse than death by a thousand cuts'.