The Fox finds his brother in a compromising position

They moved quietly and swiftly through the room, locking down any possible escape avenue. Hua Nanyi stuffed discarded robes under the gap between the door and floor, reducing the chances of any conversation being overheard by the people slumbering in the adjacent rooms.

After they had done the best they could to ensure Chu Hean couldn't make another unlikely escape, the three of them came to a stop at the foot of the bed.

"Is that...," Hua Nanyi started, eyes narrowed as she observed the man hugging Chu Hean to his chest.

"The Crown Prince of Su," Xiao Zai said, finishing her thought with a sigh.

Chu Yun wasn't shocked exactly, but he really didn't understand how things had come to this. How was his brother in bed with the Crown Prince of Su? Was this the reason for his rebellion?