The Fox and the Wolf go back on the road

Both Xiao Zai and Chu Yun had trouble falling asleep after Chu Yun voiced his opinion that Ru Long could be Xiao Yao's son.

Xiao Zai in particular had a hard time wrapping his head around it. As far as he knew things in the Su court weren't that different from Zui. The King was married to a Queen, and had an harem of mostly female concubines, and a few males, that while unable to produce heirs, were still political pawns, or just pushed onto the king in ways he couldn't refuse, in the same way as many of the female concubines. 

With the exception of everyone being human, and a beta, there wasn't much difference in how the Su court operated, nor their rules of succession. So, it was impossible for Ru Long to be the Crown Prince if anyone knew he was a bastard. The King would never tolerate something like that.

Which raised several concerning questions.