The Wolf and the Fox are rudely interrupted

Chu Yun woke up alone. Xiao Zai's side of the bed still held faint traces of warmth. It hadn't been long since he got up.

He turned around in the bed and blinked up against the weak morning light filtering in through the window paper panes. He got dressed in a daze, grabbing his discarded outer robe from the floor and tying the waist sash awkwardly, fingers still clumsy with sleep.

He stumbled outside, in search of Xiao Zai. He was sure he'd be outside. Xiao Zai wouldn't feel comfortable wandering the halls of his parents' estate.

It didn't take long for Xiao Zai's smooth, deep voice, to reach his ears.

But it were his words, and not his familiar voice, that made Chu Yun stop in his tracks.

"I will have only him, no harem, when I am King, only Chu Yun will stand by my side. Our child will inherit the Zui throne, this I swear."