The Wolf admires what he never had

Chu Yun was in bed the next day, when Xiao Zai woke him up with a gentle shake of his shoulder. The words were out of his mouth before Chu Yun could even open his eyes:

"Xiao An is dead."

Chu Yun yawned loudly and stretched his arms above his head on the sheets, trying to get his stiff muscles to unwind. "Uhm, how did that happen?" he asked, tucking a strand of loose air behind Xiao Zai's ear.

"The physician said his heart gave out. Apparently he's had a cough for some days according to the guards, the physician said it might be related."

That was some effective pill, Gu Wei had gotten -- Chu Yun had to hand it to him.

Chu Yun smiled up into Xiao Zai's eyes, still feeling sleepy and languid. "Better this way, no?"

Xiao Zai nodded, lowering his face into Chu Yun's neck with a sigh. "It is, but I just thought I would feel something, like a deep sense of relief or something."