The Fox hears an oath

Chu Yun had informed Min Sezhui of the point of their meeting with Lieba Chun. He made it clear to her that even though they might discuss the possibility of marriage, it was only a ploy to make Chu Hean admit to having some interest on Lieba Chun to begin with.

He didn't want her to think he would go against her wishes and marry her off to someone else.

She seemed to understand, and was even willing to cooperate. She only requested that Hua Nanyi be there too.

Apparently she had grown used to her company, and felt more comfortable walking around with her. Hua Nanyi herself was amenable to this.

Even so, Chu Yun had worried that maybe Min Sezhui would be too stiff or dismissive when talking with Lieba Chun.

It turned out that he needn't have worried.

"Are there a lot of lambs in the Wise Prince's camp?" Min Sezhui asked, her eyes wide in expectation.