The Fox sees his life flash before his eyes

Chu Yun couldn't deny that he was looking forward to see what kind of show Chu Hean was going to put on.

His ego was bruised, so he felt like he had something to prove. He was very predictable in a way. Just because he had rejected Lieba Chun it didn't mean Lieba Chun had a right to reject him.

Foolish, bratty, and arrogant.

Lieba Chun had his work cut out for him.

He seemed to relish the task, if the brilliant grin he threw at Chu Hean was anything to go by. He stepped over the taut rope, his weight barely making it move. Chu Hean mirrored his movements and when it seemed they were just going to bump into each other's chests on the middle of the rope, they brought down the poles at the same time.

And then they were off.

It was tense and exciting for the first few minutes, until Chu Yun realised they were too evenly matched for the fight to be interesting to begin with.