The Fox and the little Fox reach a consensus

Chu Yun remained silent, watching Chu Hean's conflicted expression, and prepared to wait however long it took for Chu Hean to expand on what he had been reconsidering.

He chewed on his lower lip for some time, and was about to move on to his nails when Chu Yun batted his hand away from his face, unable to stop himself.

"Stop that. Do you want to have ragged nails?" he admonished, reminding himself of his own mother, and of how she used to reprehend both him and Chu Hean for biting their nails.

"You sound just like her," Chu Hean said, clearly reliving the same memories. But unlike Chu Yun's fondness at the similarities, Chu Hean frowned. 

"Is that a bad thing?" Chu Yun asked, squaring his shoulders. He happened to hold his mother in high regard, and if Chu Hean thought he was going to feel insulted by being compared to an omega he had another thing coming.