The Fox doesn't want to see uninvited guests

After making the announcement to his mother, it was only fair that Chu Yun and Xiao Zai called everyone together to introduce the twins formally and receive everyone's well-wishes and gifts.

By the end of it Chu Yun thought his polite smile would be stuck in place. Something Gu Wei didn't fail to notice when he approached him with a knowing look in his eyes.

"Almost over now," he said, touching the top of Xiao Yin's forehead with two fingers. "You'll have your children all to yourself soon."

Chu Yun narrowed his eyes at him. "I don't mind other people paying them attention."

Gu Wei's knowing look stayed in place. "I'm sure."

He was saved from having to defend himself by the appearance of the Queen Dowager. She looked very dignified, although absent the finery she'd used to war when Xiao An had been King. But if anything, she looked much healthier now.