Trouble In Paradise (2)

"That's easier said than done." Ashton thought when he saw the director coming right towards him, "I can't promise anything but, I'll meet you near the cottage after midnight. If I'm late, then you'll need to figure out a different way to contact me."

"Understood. Take care." Rose replied before disconnecting her telepathy skill. 

Ashton might be good at hiding his emotions. However, Rose's appearance had him a bit confused and worried. Especially, due to her shaky voice. Considering that Rose wasn't someone who would get flustered or worried easily, something big must have happened. Something big... which concerned him.

But before he could wonder about anything else, the director suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbed him by his arm before dragging him away from the crowd. The other students, even the seniors who were trying to maintain order there, were shocked to see that.