Ignorance Is A Bliss (1)

Lucifer. Of course, he was an alien, the kinds which Professor Merlin said they referred to as gods. Above all that, He was an admin and seemingly knew everything about what happened on earth. The more Ashton thought about it the more sense it made. 

However, with this revelation, Ashton's view of Lucifer changed. It wasn't anything drastic, but he couldn't help but wonder, was he just another pawn for a citizen of this seemingly higher civilisation? Not that he minded being one as long as he could get his revenge.

Still, he could simply not stomach the fact that the humans were treated like a bunch of toys to cure their boredom. Was this higher civilisation not responsible for what happened to him and his parents in a way? After all, if they did not have the sudden urge to cure their boredom at the expense of humans, wouldn't things still be normal?