Skills: Some New, Some Old. (1)

Ashton was still a bit shook from the upgrades that he had received, and to be honest, although the pain was a ridiculous part of the process, he felt a lot stronger than he did before. Not only he was feeling good, but his body had also changed a bit. 

He had gotten a bit bigger and new muscles had taken over his body to make him look even buffer than before. The change which Ashton was concerned about the most was his eye colour. His right eye was red as usual whenever he activated the vampire genes.

But his left eye had turned yellow, Ashton didn't know why it happened, but if he had to guess it would be because of the upgrade his [Detection] skill received. 

"I just hope the colour turns back to normal once I turn off the rest of the genes." Ashton sighed while looking around the forest.