
A month had passed since the attack on Kai. At first, tensions between the two species got high as soon as the information was somehow leaked to the public. Numerous parents blamed the vampires for the death of their children while some even went as far as branding Jonathan as their murderer. 

Judging from Jonathan's previous actions on such matters, one would have expected him to immediately silence anyone who raised their voice against him. But surprisingly, he did not do anything to them. Whatever harsh words they pushed on him, he took them on without rebuking them even once. 

"They are acting out of grief. It's understandable. If I were to lose a child of mine, I would be distraught as well."

That's all he said whenever someone asked him about it. As for Kai, as soon as he was cleared for travelling through portals, he was escorted back to Transylvania, the kingdom of the Overlord of Vampires and Kai's only 'living' relative.