A Unique Gem

However, since Ashton had blocked the area linking the cave with fields, it would take them a while to reach him. Which was perfect as it gave Ashton an ample amount of time to deactivate his genes to avoid raising any suspicion. 

"I'll see you guys later," Ashton mumbled before hastily cancelling [Valhalla] and reverting back to being a werewolf.

Just as his summons were absorbed back into his shadow, the rubble was thrown away and Alucard stood there along with Griffin and his elite warriors. The gruesome scene they saw in front of them, took their minds off of Ashton. 

Griffin and the soldiers immediately jumped inside and began investigating the corpses of the fallen trolls and mermen. The grassy green fields have been turned red and blue with all the blood and gore spread all over the place. 

"What in tarnation happened here?" Griffin mumbled softly, "Just what could have caused this mess?"