Levelling Fiesta (1)

It was nearly midnight, the sky was filled with colours ranging from black to navy blue as the beautiful moon graced the planet with its presence. The sky, clearer than ever before made it possible to count the countless craters on its surface. 

Under the beautiful light, a boy stood alone. Even the beauty of nature couldn't calm the storm raging in his head. For it was a storm that could end up swallowing everyone and everything in his sights.

Even the peace that came with the night sky wasn't enough to cover the looming shadow of the war. For a war was to come, whether they liked it or not. 

While lost in his thoughts, Ashton could feel something wasn't right. According to the instructions he had given Peter, he should have already informed him whether the Morgan's accepted his proposal or not. However, it had been quite some time and Ashton hadn't heard shit from him.