Come One, Come All! (1)

As much as the people of Zanna wanted to attack Ashton and his troops, they had no choice but to ingest their anger. However, there was another bitter pill they couldn't swallow. 

With Nico and Cyclops gone, no one could save them from the horde, even if the mercenaries decided to spare their lives. Typically, they would have begged the mercenaries to stay and help, but that wasn't an option anymore as they were the ones who tried to exploit them as free labour. 

No one in their sane minds would help them after the stunt they pulled. Hell, they would be lucky if the mercenaries decided the leave them alone and go their way. 

"Let's leave before things get chaotic here." One mercenary suggested.

No one opposed his suggestion. It would take around three hours for the horde to reach the city's outer walls. The mercenaries had plenty of time to depart and leave the treacherous bastards to fend for themselves.